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Ítem The activation of the temporary protection directive 2001/55/EC for Ukrainian refugees: a demonstration of its uniqueness(Universidad de Cádiz, 2023) Abrisketa, JoanaThe response to the arrival of the Ukrainian population as a consequence of the Russian invasion breaks with the “deterrence paradigm” that has guided the EU’s asylum policies since the end of the Cold War. The flight from Ukraine of 650 000 displaced persons in a period of two weeks –from 24 February to 3 March 2022– led the Council of the EU to recognize “the existence of a mass influx into the Union of displaced persons who have had to leave Ukraine as a consequence of an armed conflict”2. The Council’s unanimous finding of the existence of a “mass influx” situation had never been made before. This article seeks to examine the unprecedented response of the EU through the analysis of the Council Implementing Decision (EU) 2022/382 of 4 March 2022. It concludes that although this is a significant response, it has not succeeded in altering in a general way the approach to the asylum system –far from the principle of solidarity– of the Member States.Ítem Addendum: Local elliptic regularity for the Dirichlet fractional Laplacian(Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2017) Biccari, Umberto; Warma, Mahamadi; Zuazua, EnriqueIn [1], for 1 < p < 1Ítem Adoption of digital technologies and backshoring decisions: is there a link?(Springer, 2021-12) Kamp, Bart; Gibaja Martíns, Juan JoséThe present paper assesses whether the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies can be related to backshoring. It does so by -firstly- investigating the implementation of such technologies by industrial firms with foreign production plants, the experiences and intentions of these firms regarding the location of production activities, and -secondly- by analyzing backshoring cases among them. It finds that backshoring is a rare phenomenon, and it is questionable whether there is a correlation, left alone causality, between the adoption of digital technologies in home-based manufacturing sites and backshoring hitherto. And while the future may hold more backshoring movements in store, they may not be primarily due to the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies at home-based plants. Instead, other (foreign) location-specific factors seem to have greater weight in the decision-making processes around backshoring operations. I.e., deteriorating sales forecasts in offshore places where firms have production activities, increases in institutional uncertainty in such places, rationalization of global production apparatuses, and/or a lack of possibilities to deploy foreign manufacturing activities and output for third markets. Also against the backdrop of events like the outbreak of Covid19 and the uncertainty-raising effect it has on international business, the trade-off between producing off-shore or bringing manufacturing activities back home is not likely to depend on technology adoption levels at home and abroad either.Ítem “Always on”: propuestas para la efectividad del derecho a la desconexión digital en el marco de la economía 4.0(ADAPT University Press, 2019) Serrano Argüeso, MariolaEn una empresa y mundo cada vez más digitalizado preocupa la figura del profesional permanentemente conectado. Los efectos sobre la salud, los excesos incontrolados y no remunerados de la jornada de trabajo y la imposibilidad de conciliar la vida laboral con la personal y familiar como consecuencia de la incorrecta utilización de los dispositivos electrónicos han sido reiteradamente denunciados, lo que ha supuesto la reciente inclusión en nuestra legislación del “derecho a la desconexión digital”. Sin embargo, las exigencias legales son escasas y dejan en manos de los agentes sociales su concreción. Si de verdad se quiere que la previsión jurídica no pase de ser, como se ha criticado una y otra vez por la doctrina, una mera anécdota, será necesario que vaya acompañada de medidas legislativas y políticas efectivas sobre tiempo de trabajo que faciliten su ejercicio.Ítem Amygdala structure and function and its associations with social-emotional outcomes in a low-risk preterm sample(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2024-03) Fernández de Gamarra Oca, Lexuri; Lucas Jiménez, Olaia; Ontañón Garcés , José María; Loureiro Gonzalez, Begoña; Peña Lasa, Javier; Ibarretxe Bilbao, Naroa; García Guerrero, Acebo; Ojeda del Pozo, Natalia; Zubiaurre Elorza, LeireAmygdala atypical volume development and functional connectivity (FC) at small gestational ages (GA) have been found across childhood. This adult-oriented study assesses whether altered amygdala structure and function is present following low-risk preterm birth. T1-weighted and resting-state functional MRI images of 33 low-risk preterm (30–36 weeks’ GA) and 29 full-term (37–42 weeks’ GA) young adults of both sexes, aged between 20 and 32 years old, were analyzed using FreeSurfer (v6.0.0) and Coon Toolbox (v21.a). The social-emotional assessment included Happé’s Strange Stories Test, the Moral Judgment Test, Delay-Discounting Test, Adult Self Report, and Emotion Regulation Questionnaire. No differences were found in social-emotional outcomes or amygdala volumes between the groups. Low-risk preterm young adults showed increased FC between the left amygdala, right amygdala and medial frontal cortex (MedFC) (F = 9.89, p-FWE = 0.009) at cluster level compared to their full-term peers. However, significant results at connection level were not observed between left and right amygdala. Lastly, increased FC at cluster level between the right amygdala and MedFC, and left amygdala and MedFC, was related to better social-emotional outcomes only in low-risk preterm young adults (F = 6.60, p-FWE = 0.036) at cluster level. At connection level, in contrast, only right amygdala–MedFC increased FC was significantly associated with better social-emotional outcomes. This study reveals that low-risk prematurity does not have an effect on social-emotional outcomes or structural amygdala volumes during young adulthood. However, individuals who were considered to be at a lower risk of exhibiting neurodevelopmental alterations following preterm birth demonstrated increased FC between the left and right amygdala and MedFC.Ítem Análisis de los parámetros de rendimiento del remo de traineras: una revisión sistemática(Federación Española de Asociaciones de Docentes de Educación Física (FEADEF), 2023) Larrinaga García, Beñat; León Guereño, Patxi; Arbillaga Etxarri, Ane; Coca Núñez, AitorObjetivo: recopilar la información científica relacionada con parámetros fisiológicos, biomecánicos, antropométricos y de entrenamiento del deporte de traineras, comparar las investigaciones científicas que hay entre géneros y clasificar por temáticas la información. Métodos: Estudio de tipo revisión sistemática, en el cual se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en seis bases de datos (PudMed Central, PudMed, Web of Science, Scopus, DialnetPlus y Google Scholar). Después de analizar los estudios logrados con la ecuación de búsqueda, fue preciso considerar su utilidad y relevancia con respecto a la revisión. Resultados: tras el cribado y la evaluación metodológica correspondiente, 21 estudios cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Los resultados, muestran los artículos dirigidos a diferentes temáticas como fisiología, biomecánica, parámetros antropológicos y otras temáticas relacionadas con el rendimiento. El análisis de los participantes de los estudios muestra que dos de los estudios han tenido en cuenta en la participación deportistas femeninas. Conclusión: La literatura existente muestra el gran potencial de esta actividad para mejorar parámetros de capacidad condicionales de rendimiento. A su vez, la comparación de la muestra entre géneros afirma la escasa investigación que hay sobre el remo de traineras femenino y se detecta una carencia de los estudios de campo y situaciones de competición.Ítem Análisis del efecto de la pretemporada en los parámetros morfológicos y fisiológicos en remo tradicional femenino. Traineras(Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Licenciados en Educación Física y en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte de España, 2024) Larrinaga García, Beñat; Santisteban Leguina, Aitor; Catañeda Babarro, Arkaitz; Coca Núñez, Aitor; Arbillaga Etxarri, AneEste estudio descriptivo tiene como objetivo dual el establecer valores específicos inéditos en la modalidad de traineras y, por otro lado, examinar los cambios morfológicos y fisiológicos durante la pretemporada en remeras mediante una valoración pre-post. Participaron 22 remeras de remo tradicional con una edad de 24,69 ± 4,26 años y una experiencia de 5,73 ± 4,55, sometiéndose a pruebas de composición corporal y de ergometría en dos momentos, de la pretemporada, la evaluación denominada “pre” se realizó a mediados de enero, durante el periodo preparatorio de la pretemporada y tras un entrenamiento controlado de 19 semanas se realizó la medición denomina “post” justo antes del inicio del periodo competitivo. Tras la valoración pre-post, se mostró que el entrenamiento físico aplicado durante la pretemporada mediante el programa combinado de resistencia aeróbica y entrenamiento de la fuerza es efectivo para obtener cambios significativos (p < 0,05) pen la composición corporal con bajada de la masa grasa de 14,40 ± 4,49 a 13,40 ± 3,41 y aumentando el porcentaje de masa muscular de 42,90% a 43,70%. A su vez, las mejoras en parámetros fisiológicos reflejaron un aumento en la potencia máxima de 341W a 368W, Potencia aeróbica máxima de 170W a 186 W así como en su valor relativo y la mejora significativa de los umbrales VT1, VT2 y Dmax con una mejora de 10W, 10W y 7W respectivamente, sin llegar a mejorar el VO2máx. Considerando los valores analizados, al realizar las evaluaciones pre-post se proporciona información valiosa para atletas, entrenadores y científicos del deporte.Ítem Analysing centralities for organisational role inference in online social networks(Elsevier Ltd, 2021-03) Sánchez Corcuera, Rubén; Bilbao Jayo, Aritz; Zulaika Zurimendi, Unai; Almeida, AitorThe intensive use of Online Social Networks (OSN) nowadays has made users expose more information without realising it. Malicious users or marketing agencies are now able to infer information that is not published on OSNs by using data from targets friends to use for their benefit. In this paper, the authors present a generalisable method capable of deducing the roles of employees of an organisation using their Twitter relationships and the features of the graph from their organisation. The authors also conduct an extensive analysis of the node centralities to study their roles in the inference of the different classes proposed. Derived from the experiments and the ablation study conducted to the centralities, the authors conclude that the latent features of the graph along with the directed relationships perform better than previously proposed methods when classifying the role of the employees of an organisation. Additionally, to evaluate the method, the authors also contribute with a new dataset consisting of three directed graphs (one for each organisation) representing the relationships between the employees obtained from Twitter.Ítem An analysis of heuristic metrics for classifier ensemble pruning based on ordered aggregation(Elsevier Ltd, 2022-04) Elsayed, Amgad Monir Mohamed ; Onieva Caracuel, Enrique; Woźniak, Michał; Martínez Muñoz, GonzaloClassifier ensemble pruning is a strategy through which a subensemble can be identified via optimizing a predefined performance criterion. Choosing the optimum or suboptimum subensemble decreases the initial ensemble size and increases its predictive performance. In this article, a set of heuristic metrics will be analyzed to guide the pruning process. The analyzed metrics are based on modifying the order of the classifiers in the bagging algorithm, with selecting the first set in the queue. Some of these criteria include general accuracy, the complementarity of decisions, ensemble diversity, the margin of samples, minimum redundancy, discriminant classifiers, and margin hybrid diversity. The efficacy of those metrics is affected by the original ensemble size, the required subensemble size, the kind of individual classifiers, and the number of classes. While the efficiency is measured in terms of the computational cost and the memory space requirements. The performance of those metrics is assessed over fifteen binary and fifteen multiclass benchmark classification tasks, respectively. In addition, the behavior of those metrics against randomness is measured in terms of the distribution of their accuracy around the median. Results show that ordered aggregation is an efficient strategy to generate subensembles that improve both predictive performance as well as computational and memory complexities of the whole bagging ensemble.Ítem Analysis of quality of life parameters in a health-promoting program for a population with cardiovascular risk factors: a preliminary study(Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2020) Río de Frutos, Xabier; González-Pérez, Alexander; Larrinaga Undabarrena, Arkaitz; Coca Núñez, AitorOne of the main risk factors of premature death in non-communicable diseases is physical inactivity, being as significant ashypertension, diabetes mellitus, and even smoking. It has been observed that interventions for carrying out physical activity (PA)in a communal environment have been very effective in terms of participation and adherence. The aimof this study is to prove thechanges that occur on a physical level in a group of 46 patients on a regulated promotion plan for PA for health. The studyconsisted of a total of 15 weeks, during which a series of measurements were taken on the patients prior and post carrying out theprogram. There were significant changes in the undertaking of body mass index (p = 0.006), systolic and diastolic arterialpressure (p = 0.03 and p = 0.01, respectively), changes in attitude [degree of PA (METs, p ≤= 0.001)], changes in perceivedquality of life (EuroQoL-VAS, p ≤= 0.001), as well as in the total number of risk factors (RFT, p = 0.03). These data confirm thata regulated program of PA is effective improving cardiovascular risk factors; improving all parameters of functional fitnessstudied; increasing the degree of PA; and increasing the subjective perception of patients’ health. Furthermore, it is verified thatcarrying out these types of programs is awarded a high degree of satisfaction by the participants.Ítem Analysis of wall thickness eccentricity in the rotary tube piercing process using a strain correlated FE model(MDPI AG, 2020-08) Murillo Marrodán, Alberto; García Gil, Eduardo; Barco, Jon; Cortés Martínez, FernandoThe wall thickness eccentricity is one of the most important weaknesses that appears in seamless tubes production, since this imperfection is subsequently transferred downstream through the manufacturing stages until the final product. For this reason, in this article a finite element model of the rotary tube piercing (RTP) process is developed aimed at analysing the wall thickness eccentricity imperfection. Experimental data extracted from the industrial process is used for the validation of the model, including operational process variables like power consumption and process velocity, and deformation variables as elongation and longitudinal torsion, originated by axial and shear strain respectively. The cause of longitudinal torsion is also analysed. The two most important conclusions derived from this study are: (I) the longitudinal torsion of the tube is a crucial parameter for the correct model validation, and (II) the combined effect between the uneven temperature distribution of the billet and the plug bending deformation is identified as the major cause of the wall thickness eccentricity flaw.Ítem Analyzing the influence of the core pre-structure on the dynamic response of a magnetorheological elastomer sandwich structure(Institute of Physics, 2022-07) Sulatchaneenopdon, Narongdet; Shen, Zhiming; Son, Hyoung-Won; Khantachawana, Anak; García Barruetabeña, Jon; Elejabarrieta Olabarri, María Jesús; Takahashi, Tsutomu; Nakayama, Tadachika; Niihara, KoichiRecently, vibration control has been useful in various engineering fields such as aerospace, adaptive dynamic vibration absorbers, and infrastructure. Magnetorheological elastomer (MRE) is an interesting material for controlling and suppressing undesirable vibrations through the application of a magnetic field. The present study aims at analyzing the pre-structure of the magnetorheological viscoelastic core in the dynamic response of an MRE-sandwich structure. The forced vibration tests were performed under a non-homogenous magnetic field to evaluate the dynamic properties of the MRE-sandwich structure in a frequency bandwidth range of 0-250 Hz. Experimental results show that the proposed MRE-sandwich structures are capable of eliminating unwanted resonances due to induced magnetic field intensity in the activated region, especially at the fundamental mode. Moreover, results highlight that an oriented pre-structure in an MRE-sandwich has an attenuation effect on vibrations in the low frequency range. Additionally, the external magnetic field increased the structural vibrations damping capability by approximately 200%. In addition, the oriented pre-structures of the MRE core were also used to dissipate vibration. Consequently, they could potentially be used in vibration attenuation applications such as stop operations in dynamic structures.Ítem Analyzing the purchase intention of Peruvian maca(Emerald Group Holdings Ltd., 2020-03-02) Pipoli de Azambuja, Gina María; García Arrizabalaga, Iñaki; Rodríguez Peña, GustavoPurpose: This study aims to examine the relation between the purchase intention of Peruvian maca and each of the following variables: Peru’s country image, maca’s product image, Peru’s country familiarity and maca’s product familiarity. Design/methodology/approach: To compile primary information, a survey of closed questions was applied to students in two countries with different levels of familiarity with Peru: France and the USA. Findings: There is a direct association between the studied variables in the cases where the foreign consumer has a high familiarity with Peru. Similarly, there is a positive association between maca’s product image, Peru’s country familiarity and maca’s product familiarity with the consumer purchase intention of maca from Peru in the cases where the consumer has low familiarity with Peru. Research limitations/implications: The characteristics of the sample did not allow to analyze the purchase intention according to gender, age and socioeconomic level. Practical implications: This study provides innovative insights to design international marketing strategies for Peruvian maca entrepreneurs and export promotion policies to policymakers, to support them to overcome the increase of the global competitive environment of maca. Social implications: The paper helps maca producers and exporters to develop international marketing strategies to position their maca products in markets with high or low familiarity with Peru. Originality/value: The uniqueness of this paper is based on the study of the purchase intention of agricultural products such as maca, which is a developing product available in Peru.Ítem “Architects of their own brain”: social impact of an intervention study for the prevention of gender-based violence in adolescence(Frontiers Media S.A., 2020-02) Racionero-Plaza, Sandra; Ugalde, Leire; Merodio, Guiomar; Gutiérrez Fernández, NereaResearch in psychology has evidenced both the prevalence of gender-based violence among youth worldwide and the negative impacts that such violence has on the victims’ mental and physical health. Neuroscience has proven that violent intimate relationships harm the brain, while very simple social experiences can change the brain architecture in positive directions. Also, interventions that have been demonstrated to be successful in preventing and responding to gender violence in adolescence have been informed by psychology. This article reviews the social impact of psychology in the field of teen gender violence and then reports on the potential social impact achieved by an intervention study consisting of seven interventions framed by the research line on the preventive socialization of gender violence. The program was addressed to 15- and 16-year-old adolescents and focused on supporting free reconstruction of mental and affective models of attractiveness via critical analysis of the dominant coercive discourse, which links attraction to violence. The communicative methodology involved working with an Advisory Committee from the beginning of the study, as well as continuous dialog between the researchers and the participants, which was used to refine subsequent interventions. The results show that the program contributed to raising participants’ critical consciousness regarding the dominant coercive discourse in their life, provided the participant subjects with cognitive tools to better understand their own and others’ sexual-affective thinking, emotions, and behaviors, in favor of rejecting violence, and supported the modification of female adolescents’ sexual preferences for different types of men. Importantly, the findings also indicate that the interventions aided some participants’ use of the knowledge gained in the project to help their friends and communities in reflecting upon coercive patterns of sexual attraction, the quality of their intimate relationships, and the different effects of sexual violence and toxic relationships on health. Some individuals reported leaving toxic relationships after the interventions. This intervention research illustrates Santiago Ramón y Cajal’s metaphor, employed to explain plasticity: that every person, if s/he decides it, can be the architect of her or his own brain. With evidence-based cognitive tools within the reach of every adolescent, and upon individual free choice for transformation, a new sexual-affective socialization free from violence is possible.Ítem ¿Atraerá el BIG- DATA al P-HACKING al mundo de la ingeniería industrial?(Publicaciones DYNA SL, 2019-05) Goti Elordi, Aitor; Bom, Pedro; Campos Granados, José Antonio; Galar-Pascual, DiegoÍtem Authoring support for Spanish language writers: a genre-restricted case study(Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada, AESLA, 2021) Rabadán, Rosa; Pizarro, Isabel; Sanjurjo González, HugoAuthoring support consists of (semi)automated aids to be used at different stages during the writing process. Language information, however, tends to be restricted to areas such as spelling and grammar checking or term banks, and text construction difficulties that writers face concerning the structure of particular genres, associated sentence formulations or genre-specific vocabulary have not received proper attention. An additional gap in the research is that this support is generally addressed to English language users. This paper addresses these concerns focusing on a particular genre: the company’s directors’ report, and on Spanish language writers writing in English. A custom-made monolingual corpus has been analyzed using Bhatia (1993, 2004) and Swales (1990, 2004) definitions of genre and move combined with theme characterization. Recurrent strings for each move/step, which are conventionally associated with each rhetorical unit, were identified and formulated as “meta-strings.” The bilingual glossary includes domain-specific items as well as move/step or genre-specific lexical and phraseological options, i.e., elements used irrespective of the business, places or people involved. The results are valuable by themselves, as an analysis of the genre, but also as the empirical basis for the authoring support tool that we present here, and as language training materials.Ítem Barreras para el ocio, estrategias de negociación y formas de resistencias en las danzas de tango y samba gafieira: un estudio exploratorio en tres ciudades latinoamericanas(Universidad de Alicante / Universitat d'Alacant, Instituto de Investigación de Estudios de Género, 2020) Alvarez Seara, José Manuel; Monteagudo Sánchez, María Jesús; Chaves, ElisângelaEste artículo analiza las barreras, negociaciones y formas de resistencia habidas durante la práctica y/o aprendizaje de danzas de salón (tango y samba de gafieira), en tres ciudades latinoamericanas (Buenos Aires, Montevideo y São Paulo). En dichas danzas se reproducen estereotipos de género, reflejo de una hegemonía heteronormativa socialmente muy arraigada. El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar formas de resistencia y estrategias de negociación con las que las personas, en general, y los colectivos LGBTIQ afrontan las barreras derivadas de los estereotipos de género a la hora de bailar. El trabajo se apoya en un diseño metodológico cualitativo, basado en el estudio de casos múltiples. Los resultados confirman que las barreras asociadas a estereotipos de género dificultan el acceso, participación y disfrute de estos bailes, como prácticas de ocio. Las personas afectadas reaccionan ante las barreras y buscan estrategias de negociación, con el fin de sortearlas, eliminarlas o mitigar sus efectos. La resistencia es una de ellas.Ítem Barriers to physical activity for women with physical disabilities: a systematic review(MDPI, 2023-06-16) Olasagasti Ibargoien, Jurgi; Castañeda Babarro, Arkaitz; León Guereño, Patxi; Uria Olaizola, NaroaPhysical activity is essential for women with physical disabilities. This review aims to identify the barriers they face in practicing sport. A systematic review was conducted using the PubMed/Medline, Scopus, and Web of Science databases in January 2023, with an update in March 2023. The eligibility criteria used for inclusion were as follows. (i) Women with physical disabilities; (ii) women who engage in or want to engage in physical activities and/or sport, both adapted and non-adapted; (iii) identification of women’s barriers to such practice; (iv) research articles; and (v) papers written in English and published in peer-reviewed journals. The exclusion were as follows. (i) Women with illness, injury or transient physical activity difficulties; (ii) mention of rehabilitative physical activity; and (iii) results showing no differentiation in barrier types by gender. This review identified different barriers, grouped into eight types according to the differentiating factor, thus showing that disable people’s participation in physical activity is directly related to some specific barriers which seem to differ according to their gender. Therefore, the success of participation in physical activities depends not only on the user’s concern, but also on an inclusive social environment.Ítem The Basque heroine Libe and the nationalist press (1895–1936)(John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2022-03) Arrieta Alberdi, LeyreThe founder of Basque nationalism, Sabino Arana, wrote Libe. Melodrama dramático (a dramatic melodrama) in 1902. Arana placed the heroine ‘Libe’ in a medieval battle. She was created to convey what the role of Basque women should be in defending their Homeland. Arana died shortly after the script was published in 1903. His successors attempted to disseminate the play and publicise the character and meaning of Libe in the press and the theatre. This article analyses how Libe was presented in the nationalist press and the impact of the successive adaptations and performances of the play. It covers the treatment of female heroism in the nationalist press based on the theoretical framework provided in the research by Teresa del Valle, Mercedes Ugalde, Miren Llona and Nerea Aresti, all of whom have conducted in-depth studies on the gender discourse of Basque nationalism. The article goes on to consider the scripts of the two plays featuring the Basque heroine Libe, together with the archives of the Basque nationalist press from the onset of the movement in 1895 until the outbreak of the Spanish civil war in 1936.Ítem Between Russia as producer and Ukraine as a transit country: EU dilemma of interdependence and energy security(Elsevier Ltd, 2020-10) Pardo Sauvageot, EricBetween 2014 and 2015, the EU started a new energy policy in order to address, among other issues, the problematic character of energy interdependence with Russia, and thus improve its energy security. The aim of this article is to determine how this policy considered interdependence with Russia in the light of diversification alternatives. Energy security is seen through short-term and long-term dimensions, which can be equated to the concepts of vulnerability and sensitivity interdependence. As the article shows, the alternative of LNG is limited by production and consumption patterns in both Europe and other world markets. It also shows that maintaining interdependence with Russia and reducing the role of transit countries such as Ukraine would yield benefits both in vulnerability and sensitivity interdependence. However, while the EU has strongly based its rhetoric on the promise of LNG, it has ignored alternatives that would maintain interdependence with Russia. Eventually, the EU's energy strategy has acknowledged the limitations of LNG, even though it has not changed its stance towards Russia. In that respect, it seems fair to conclude the EU has not rigorously analysed the transit dimension in its interdependence with Russia and the implications for its energy security.