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Ítem Progress in mentalizing ability among people with psychosis through dialogic literary gatherings(2025) Fernández Villardón, Aitana; Sáez de Ibarra, Alfonso; Domínguez Panchón, Ana; García Carrión, RocíoBACKGROUND: People with psychosis often experience a fragmented sense of self, making it difficult to integrate perceptions, memories, thoughts, and emotions related to themselves and others. Enhancing mentalization processes and fostering reflection are crucial for comprehensive recovery. As these processes are naturally developed through meaningful interactions and dialogue, incorporating a dialogic approach into the treatment of psychotic disorders may significantly support recovery. METHODS: This study examines the impact of Dialogic Literary Gatherings (DLGs) on the ability of mentalizing in individuals with psychosis. A quasi-experimental mixed-methods study was conducted with 23 participants (6 women and 17 men) diagnosed with psychosis. Over five months, participants engaged in 18 DLG sessions. Mentalizing ability was assessed using the Mentalization Scale (MentS), and qualitative data included interviews (n = 2) and focus groups (n = 3), to explore changes in mentalization. RESULTS: Participants reported an increase in mentalizing towards others and toward him or herself, and in motivation to mentalize. Dialogues during DLGs fostered empathy, awareness of individual differences, and deeper engagement with others' emotions. Besides, sharing feelings in this dialogic environment enabled participants to reflect on past experiences and find purpose in life. Consistently, patients reported that these dialogues provided a platform for expressing emotions, re-evaluating life perspectives, and achieving greater self-awareness. CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights Dialogic Literary Gatherings as a valuable tool for enhancing the ability to mentalize in clinical populations, offering a complementary approach to traditional psychotherapeutic interventions for individuals with psychosis.Ítem Negotiating sociolinguistic justice: turning spaces of inequality into spaces of conscientization(De Gruyter Mouton, 2025) Martín Rojo, Luisa; Pujolar Cos, Joan; Amorrortu, EstibalizThis introduction to the special issue Negotiating Sociolinguistic Justice: Turning Spaces of Inequality into Spaces of Conscientization focuses on how sociolinguistic research can be reimagined as a tool for activism and social intervention. The authors advocate for research that not only describes language-based inequalities but actively intervenes to address them by engaging communities in participatory processes. Inspired by Paulo Freire's concept of conscientization, this special issue explores ho w spaces can be created for researchers and participants to engage in critical reflection on linguistic injustices, investigate their socio-political roots, and mobilize for collective change. Grounded in the action-research project EquiLing, conducted across various sociolinguistic contexts in Spain - including Madrid, Galicia, Catalonia, and the Basque Country - this special issue examines the role of language in the (re)production of social inequalities, manifesting differently across regions. These inequalities include the exclusion of immigrant languages, non-standardized language varieties, and minoritized languages such as Basque, Galician, and Catalan, as well as the misrecognition of their speakers, resulting in their limited participation in social institutions. In four articles, the authors illustrate how conscientization spaces integrate participants' voice and agency - from university students to youth in sports clubs - to critically reflect on the roots of language-based inequality and mobilize toward counteraction. Each article explores a different stage of the conscientization process, from raising awareness of inequalities to exploring structural causes to mobilizing for action. The issue also examines how research committed to sociopolitical transformation extends beyond academic boundaries, requiring partnerships with social collectives and activists at all stages of the research. This involvement poses significant challenges to epistemological, methodological and policy frameworks, which in turn raise ethical concerns. Addressing these challenges requires rethinking who has the right to produce knowledge and developing approaches that foster collaborative engagement with co-participants and stakeholders. This approach adds a political dimension to research, which in turn poses new challenges, particularly with regard to the impact of transformative action, and requires critical reflection on the social responsibilities of researchers and the power dynamics inherent in research practices. Ultimately, it requires navigating ethical complexities related to participants' agency and authorship. This special issue highlights the potential of participatory action research to promote sociolinguistic justice and aims to contribute to the ongoing debate on how to effectively address these challenges. Together, these contributions provide a roadmap for future research that seeks not only to understand linguistic inequalities but also to transform them through collective action.Ítem No es veuen, però existeixen: ausats implícits en les causatives indirectes del català, l’occità i el basc(Institut d'Estudis Catalans, 2025) Fernández Fernández, Beatriz; Berro Urrizelki, Ane; Suïls Subirà, Jordi; Pérez Saldanya, ManuelEn aquest article analitzem les causatives indirectes del català, l’occità aranès i el basc. En aquestes construccions, el causat és implícit, però es comporta com el causat explícit de les causatives del tipus faire-infinitiu (Kayne 1975). Com mostrarem en l’article, aquest argument no sols és semànticament present, sinó també sintàcticament actiu, com es dedueix del seu comportament pel que fa als criteris següents: (i) el lligam d’una anàfora inalienable; (ii) el control de predicats secundaris; (iii) el control del subjecte d’una oració final no finita, i per últim, (iv) el bloqueig del clític o de la concordança de qualsevol altre argument datiu. Per tot això, aquest causat implícit és un argument i no pas un adjunt, a diferencia del causador, que es marca amb la preposició per de les construccions del tipus faire-par (Kayne 1975) del català (Fontich 2021) i l’occitàÍtem La influencia de la participación en una vida plena y satisfactoria del alumnado de Formación Profesional básica en el País Vasco(Universidad Central de Chile, 2024) Piñero Pradera, Andoni; Pérez Hoyos, Javier; Moro, ÁlvaroLa Formación Profesional Básica (FPB) en España representa un modelo consolidado para reducir el abandono escolar ya que está diseñado para brindar oportunidades de formación a aquellos adolescentes que presentan dificultades para continuar con éxito en la educación secundaria obligatoria. Abordar la participación de quienes enfrentan más dificultades representa un desafío social importante tal y como se reconoce en la Convención de los Derechos del Niño y en los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible 4 y 10, centrados en la educación de calidad y la reducción de las desigualdades. Así, este artículo se centra en la relación de los procesos participativos en el alumnado de FPB y el estado óptimo de desarrollo y bienestar en diversos aspectos de la vida humana que contribuyen a una vida plena y satisfactoria (florecimiento). Para ello se utilizaron datos de la última edición de la Encuesta DROGAS Y ESCUELA X sobre uso de drogas en Educación Secundaria 2021-2022 en el País Vasco, que incorpora sendos módulos de preguntas sobre participación y florecimiento. A través del análisis comparativo de medias, los resultados nos dan información sobre la influencia positiva de la participación en la percepción de una vida plena y satisfactoria del alumnado de FPB.Ítem A hybrid Hadoop-based sentiment analysis classifier for tweets associated with COVID-19 utilizing two machine learning algorithms: CNN, and fuzzy C4.5(Springer Nature, 2024-12) Es-sabery, Fatima; Es-sabery, Ibrahim; Qadir, Junaid; Sainz de Abajo, Beatriz; García-Zapirain, BegoñaIn recent years, research on opinion mining from X (formerly Twitter) has rapidly advanced, focusing on processing tweets to determine user sentiments about events. Many researchers prefer using machine and deep learning techniques for this analysis. This work proposes a novel approach integrating the C4.5 procedure, fuzzy rule patterns, and convolutional neural networks. The approach involves six steps: pre-processing to remove noisy data, vectorizing tweets with word embedding, extracting sentiment and contextual features using convolutional neural networks, fuzzifying outputs with a Gaussian fuzzifier to handle ambiguity, constructing a fuzzy tree and rule base using a fuzzy version of C4.5, and classifying tweets with fuzzy General Reasoning. This method combines the benefits of convolutional neural networks and C4.5 while addressing imprecise data with fuzzy logic. Implemented on a Hadoop framework-based cluster with five computing units, the approach was extensively tested. The results showed that the model performs exceptionally well on the COVID-19_Sentiments dataset, surpassing other classification algorithms with a precision rate of 94.56%, false-negative rate of 5.28%, classification rate of 95.15%, F1-score of 94.63%, kappa statistic of 95.12%, execution time of 11.81 s, false-positive rate of 4.26%, error rate of 4.26%, specificity of 95.74%, recall of 94.72%, stability with a mean deviation standard of 0.09%, convergence starting around the 75th round, and significantly reduced complexity in terms of time and space.Ítem La fiscalidad adecuada como herramienta impulsora de la creación de las sociedades cooperativas en el sector de la pesca y la acuicultura(Universidad de Deusto = Deustuko Unibertsitatea, Asociación Internacional de Derecho Cooperativo, 2024) Aranburu Agirre, EdrigaEl objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la fiscalidad que se les aplica a las sociedades cooperativas que operan en el sector de la pesca y acuicultura para que así se pueda optar por la creación de estas sin tener que elegir el modelo usual de las sociedades mercantiles que se rigen por la Ley Real Decreto Legislativo 1/2010, de 2 de julio, por el que se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley de Sociedades de Capital. De esta manera se pretende poner en valor a las sociedades cooperativas del mar como modelo a seguir en el mundo globalizado en el que vivimosÍtem La reforma constitucional española de 2024 sobre discapacidad y la alternativa cooperativa para la inserción sociolaboral de las personas con discapacidad(Universidad de Deusto = Deustuko Unibertsitatea, Asociación Internacional de Derecho Cooperativo, 2024) Larrazábal Basáñez, SantiagoLa reforma del artículo 49 de la Constitución española de 1978 en materia de discapacidad ha supuesto un importante cambio normativo, tanto en la terminología utilizada como en la concepción de la protección de las personas con discapacidad, para garantizar su plena autonomía personal e inclusión social. Y, como sabemos, las cooperativas pueden jugar un papel muy relevante para ello en el ámbito sociolaboral. Una utilización conjunta de las especialidades constitucionales puede dar mucho juego. Se trataría de construir una fundamentación jurídica sólida para justificar medidas «audaces» en este campo, combinando la protección efectiva de las personas con discapacidad del nuevo artículo 49, la cobertura constitucional del trato diferenciado que se puede dar a las cooperativas en virtud de la obligación constitucional de fomentarlas a través de una legislación adecuada (artículo 129.2), la prohibición de discriminación por discapacidad (artículo 14) y la promoción de medidas de acción positiva para lograr la igualdad real y efectiva (artículo 9.2), previstas también en los Tratados y acuerdos internacionales en materia de derechos humanos ratificados por España que, además, son canon de interpretación de la normativa española de derechos y libertades fundamentales (artículo 10.2)Ítem Differential impact of parental practices and parental emotional clarity on child symptoms in single-child vs. multiple-child divorced families(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024-12) Merino, Laura; Martínez Pampliega, Ana; Herrero Lázaro, MartaObjective: The main objective of this study was to analyze the differences in parental emotional clarity and parental practices among families with a single child and families with more than one child, and their relationship with the children’s internalizing and externalizing symptomatology, specifically, anxiety–depression and aggressive behavior in a conflictive divorce context. Methods: The participants were 247 Spanish divorced parents. In total, 62% of the participants reported being the parents of one child and 38% of two children. All participants answered questionnaires that measured the variables investigated in this study. Results: The results supported the working hypothesis that families with more than one child present with less emotional clarity, which, concatenated with critical and rigid parental guidelines, is associated with children’s greater presence of anxious–depressive and aggressive symptoms. Conclusions: Families with more than one child have less positive parental guidelines and so their children express more symptoms.Ítem A spatial crowdsourcing engine for harmonizing volunteers’ needs and tasks’ completion goals(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024-12) Puerta Beldarrain, Maite; Gómez Carmona, Oihane; Chen, Liming; López de Ipiña González de Artaza, Diego; Casado Mansilla, Diego; Vergara, Felipe EduardoThis work addresses the task allocation problem in spatial crowdsensing with altruistic participation, tackling challenges like declining engagement and user fatigue from task overload. Unlike typical models relying on financial incentives, this context requires alternative strategies to sustain participation. This paper presents a new solution, the Volunteer Task Allocation Engine (VTAE), to address these challenges. This solution is not based on economic incentives, and it has two primary goals. The first one is to improve user experience by limiting the workload and creating a user-centric task allocation solution. The second goal is to create an equal distribution of tasks over the spatial locations to make the solution robust against the possible decrease in participation. Two approaches are used to test the performance of this solution against different conditions: computer simulations and a real-world experiment with real users, which include a qualitative evaluation. The simulations tested system performance in controlled environments, while the real-world experiment assessed the effectiveness and usability of the VTAE with real users. This research highlights the importance of user-centered design in citizen science applications with altruistic participation. The findings demonstrate that the VTAE algorithm ensures equitable task distribution across geographical areas while actively involving users in the decision-making process.Ítem Empowering change: unveiling the synergy of feminist perspectives and AI tools in addressing domestic violence(Universitat de Girona = Universidad de Gerona, 2024) Izaguirre Choperena, Ainhoa; López Belloso, María; Sanz Urquijo, BorjaGender-based violence remains a widespread issue in our societies. Women who are victims-survivors often encounter significant barriers when seeking support services, and frontline responders frequently lack the necessary skills and capacities to provide an adequate response. In this context, artificial intelligence, particularly through the use and development of chatbots, has emerged as a potential solution to enhance and simplify access to these services for women. This is where the European project IMPROVE (Improving Access to Services for Victims of Domestic Violence by Accelerating Change in Frontline Responder Organisations) comes into play. Using a qualitative methodology, this study captures the voices of victim-survivors, exploring their views on the use of AI tools in the context of domestic violence, while also comparing these perspectives with the general societal perception of chatbots as reflected in media coverageÍtem Opiniones y transformaciones de las prácticas de ocio de la juventud en España(Instituto Teológico "San Pedro de Alcántara" Diócesis de Coria-Cáceres, Universidad de Extremadura, Sindéresis, 2024) Lazcano Quintana, Idurre; Doistua Nebreda, Joseba; Madariaga Ortuzar, AuroraLa pandemia ha provocado importantes transformaciones en la vida de millones de personas, incluida la juventud, quienes se encuentran en una etapa vital en la que el ocio tiene un papel preponderante en sus estilos de vida, caracterizado por la búsqueda de experiencias fuera del entorno familiar y un ocio dependiente de las relaciones de amistad como fuente para su bienestar. Este artículo propone explorar cómo el ocio se convierte en objeto de una negociación entre las necesidades sociales, las exigencias normativas y una situación de crisis, investigando opiniones y las transformaciones del ocio de los jóvenes universitarios españoles. Los hallazgos cuantitativos revelaron que (1) las personas jóvenes valoran en mayor medida la importancia que el ocio tiene en sus vidas; (2) se han incrementado algunas prácticas de ocio en detrimento de otras y; (3) existen diferencias según el género tanto en las opiniones expresadas, como en las transformaciones de las prácticas.Ítem Los modelos no confesionales de la enseñanza de la religión(Instituto Teológico "San Pedro de Alcántara" Diócesis de Coria-Cáceres, Universidad de Extremadura, Sindéresis, 2024) Rodríguez Fernández, Lidia; León Azcárate, Juan Luis de; Uriarte, LuzioLas sociedades secularizadas contemporáneas se caracterizan por un pluralismo religioso creciente que necesita ser gestionado, y el sistema educativo público parece un espacio privilegiado donde analizar y aportar positivamente a las complejas relaciones entre el fenómeno religioso y la secularidad. El objetivo del artículo es ofrecer una valoración de la enseñanza de la religión (ER) en su modalidad no confesional dentro del sistema educativo público. El método de trabajo consiste en una presentación de los documentos emitidos por instituciones europeas, seguida del análisis de la reflexión académica más significativa realizada en las últimas décadas sobre el tema que nos ocupa. A partir del estudio crítico de las fuentes, el artículo constata el interés de la sociedad secular por la religión en un contexto de pluralismo religioso, la preferencia institucional por una enseñanza no confesional de la religión en el ámbito europeo y la diversidad que caracteriza la implementación del modelo. Finalmente, se evalúan las aportaciones y los desafíos del modelo no confesional para terminar realizando algunas sugerencias de futuro.Ítem The disconnection between reality and discourse: why resources are important to tackle gender inequality in research organizations?(Editorial Complutense, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2024) García Muñoz, Irene; López Belloso, María; Silvestre Cabrera, MaríaIntroduction: This article serves as an introductory exploration of the significance of funding for gender equality. It delves into the relationship, emphasizing how progress on gender equality is questionable without adequate resources. Adopting a dual geographical approach, it provides an introductory overview of the global situation before narrowing its focus to the experience of the European Union. Given its core commitment to gender equality, the article analyzes the gap between commitments and data regarding gender equality investment. Special attention is given to the research sphere. Objectives: To establish, through existing literature, a clear relationship between gender equality and resource investment. : The article ambitions to lay the groundwork for a research line examining funding and gender equality within research funding. Methods: The authors conducted a detailed Scopus review of the literature using keywords such as funding, gender equality, women’s rights, research funding, gender budgeting, and European Union. Initially, 34 articles were identified after applying two criteria to the results. Backward citation was employed to further expand the literature. Due to limitations in academic results, consultation and review of multiple grey literature sources were necessary. Given the interdisciplinary nature of the topic, an interdisciplinary perspective of analysis was required. Contribution: The literature reveals a noticeable gap between commitments to gender equality and the tangible allocation of resources. Additionally, it highlights the inadequacy of tools to track investment in gender equality, particularly evident in the European research sphere. These insights emphasize the significance of launching a research agenda that prioritizes advocacy for resources in research and academia, positioning it as a fundamental activity within women’s academic activist networks.Ítem Clinical research framework proposal for ketogenic metabolic therapy in glioblastoma(BioMed Central Ltd, 2024-12) Duraj, Tomás; Kalamian, Miriam; Zuccoli, Giulio; Maroon, Joseph C.; D’Agostino, Dominic P.; Scheck, Adrienne C.; Poff, Angela; Winter, Sebastian F.; Hu, Jethro; Klement, Rainer J.; Hickson, Alicia; Lee, Derek C.; Cooper, Isabella; Kofler, Barbara; Schwartz, Kenneth A.; Phillips, Matthew C.L.; Champ, Colin E.; Zupec-Kania, Beth; Tan-Shalaby, Jocelyn; Serfaty, Fabiano M.; Omene, Egiroh; Arismendi Morillo, Gabriel J.; Kiebish, Michael; Cheng, Richard; El-Sakka, Ahmed M.; Pflueger, Axel; Mathews, Edward H.; Worden, Donese; Shi, Hanping; Cincione, Raffaele Ivan; Spinosa, Jean Pierre; Slocum, Abdul Kadir; Iyikesici, Mehmet Salih; Yanagisawa, Atsuo; Pilkington, Geoffrey J.; Chaffee, Anthony; Abdel-Hadi, Wafaa; Elsamman, Amr K.; Klein, Pavel; Hagihara, Keisuke; Clemens, Zsófia; Yu, George W.; Evangeliou, Athanasios E.; Nathan, Janak K.; Smith, Kris; Fortin, David; Dietrich, Jorg; Mukherjee, Purna; Seyfried, Thomas N.Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most aggressive primary brain tumor in adults, with a universally lethal prognosis despite maximal standard therapies. Here, we present a consensus treatment protocol based on the metabolic requirements of GBM cells for the two major fermentable fuels: glucose and glutamine. Glucose is a source of carbon and ATP synthesis for tumor growth through glycolysis, while glutamine provides nitrogen, carbon, and ATP synthesis through glutaminolysis. As no tumor can grow without anabolic substrates or energy, the simultaneous targeting of glycolysis and glutaminolysis is expected to reduce the proliferation of most if not all GBM cells. Ketogenic metabolic therapy (KMT) leverages diet-drug combinations that inhibit glycolysis, glutaminolysis, and growth signaling while shifting energy metabolism to therapeutic ketosis. The glucose-ketone index (GKI) is a standardized biomarker for assessing biological compliance, ideally via real-time monitoring. KMT aims to increase substrate competition and normalize the tumor microenvironment through GKI-adjusted ketogenic diets, calorie restriction, and fasting, while also targeting glycolytic and glutaminolytic flux using specific metabolic inhibitors. Non-fermentable fuels, such as ketone bodies, fatty acids, or lactate, are comparatively less efficient in supporting the long-term bioenergetic and biosynthetic demands of cancer cell proliferation. The proposed strategy may be implemented as a synergistic metabolic priming baseline in GBM as well as other tumors driven by glycolysis and glutaminolysis, regardless of their residual mitochondrial function. Suggested best practices are provided to guide future KMT research in metabolic oncology, offering a shared, evidence-driven framework for observational and interventional studies.Ítem Effects of a play-based approach on psychosocial variables in federated long- and middle-distance athletes(Frontiers Media SA, 2024) Valero Valenzuela, Alfonso; Hoyos Cuartas, Luz Amelia; Heredia León, Diego Andrés; León Guereño, PatxiIntroduction: Considering the theory of self-determination and its relationship with human motivation and the play-based approach (PBA), a training program is implemented in young middle and long-distance running athletes with play activities (simple tasks with rules in a ludic mood). The objectives were (1) to analyze the effects of a PBA on the autonomy support interpersonal teaching style (ASITS) perceived by athletes, the psychological variables of satisfaction of basic psychological needs, motivation, enjoyment and intention to continue practicing athletics and depending on sex, and (2) know the athletes' perception of this methodology after the intervention. Method: Quasi- experimental design with a sample of 50 athletes (27 women and 23 men) with 17.22 average of age and federated at the regional level. Instruments: Autonomy Support Scale (ASS), Psychological Need Satisfaction in Exercise Scale (PNSE), Behavior Regulation in Sports Questionnaire (BRSQ), Measure of Intention to be Physically Active (MIPA) and Intrinsic Satisfaction in Sports Questionnaire (ISSQ). Results: Significant changes were identified in favor of the experimental group compared to the control group in ASITS and autonomous motivation. Over time, only the experimental group showed positive changes in the ASITS variable, self-determination index, autonomous motivation, and intention to continue practicing athletics. The women in the experimental group presented higher values in the self-determination index, autonomous motivation and intention to continue practicing athletics, while the women in the control group only in the ASITS variable in the pre-test. The young people who practiced playing during the warm-up reported high levels of fun and motivation, and interest in the activity, as well as concern about being prepared for the main part of the session. Discussion: It is suggested to athletic trainers to use a PBA in athletics groups at a regional level to promote an ASITS and its positive consequences at both a psychosocial and cognitive level, although new studies are required, and of longer duration to be able to contrast these findings and their effects on athletic performance.Ítem Exploring determinant factors influencing muscle quality and sarcopenia in Bilbao’s older adult population through machine learning: a comprehensive analysis approach(Public Library of Science, 2024-12) Virto, Naiara; Dequin, Danielle Marie; Río de Frutos, Xabier; Méndez Zorrilla, Amaia; García-Zapirain, BegoñaBackground Sarcopenia and reduced muscle quality index have garnered special attention due to their prevalence among older individuals and the adverse effects they generate. Early detection of these geriatric pathologies holds significant potential, enabling the implementation of interventions that may slow or reverse their progression, thereby improving the individual’s overall health and quality of life. In this context, artificial intelligence opens up new opportunities to identify the key identifying factors of these pathologies, thus facilitating earlier intervention and personalized treatment approaches. investigate anthropomorphic, functional, and socioeconomic factors associated with muscle quality and sarcopenia using machine learning approaches and identify key determinant factors for their potential future integration into clinical practice. A total of 1253 older adults (89.5% women) with a mean age of 78.13 ± 5.78 voluntarily participated in this descriptive cross-sectional study, which examines determining factors in sarcopenia and MQI using machine learning techniques. Feature selection was completed using a variety of techniques and feature datasets were constructed according to feature selection. Three machine learning classification algorithms classified sarcopenia and MQI in each dataset, and the performance of classification models was compared. Results The predictive models used in this study exhibited AUC scores of 0.7671 for MQI and 0.7649 for sarcopenia, with the most successful algorithms being SVM and MLP. Key factors in predicting both conditions have been shown to be relative power, age, weight, and the 5STS. No single factor is sufficient to predict either condition, and by comprehensively considering all selected features, the study underscores the importance of a holistic approach in understanding and addressing sarcopenia and MQI among older adults. Conclusions Exploring the factors that affect sarcopenia and MQI in older adults, this study highlights that relative power, age, weight, and the 5STS are significant determinants. While considering these clinical markers and using a holistic approach, this can provide crucial information for designing personalized and effective interventions to promote healthy aging.Ítem Relationship between training frequency and training session duration on vitality in recreational runners: a cross-sectional study(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024-12) Varela-Sanz, Adrián; Mecías Calvo, Marcos; Borrajo, Erika; Muñoz Pérez, IkerBackground: Running can improve health status from a biopsychosocial perspective. However, isolation strategies, like the COVID-19 pandemic-induced lockdown, produce deleterious effects on both health status and sport performance. The aim of our study was to investigate recreational runners’ sporting habits, subjective vitality (SV), and well-being after the COVID-19 pandemic-induced lockdown. Methods: After data filtration, 5542 recreational runners (74.5% men and 25.5% women, >18 years) were selected for further analyses. The participants answered preliminary questions regarding sporting habits and completed the validated Spanish version of the Subjective Vitality as a Dynamic Reflection of Well-Being questionnaire for assessing their SV after lockdown. Results: Subjective vitality scores did not differ between men and women, nor between age groups (p = 0.41 and p = 0.11, respectively). Subjective vitality was greater with weekly training frequency up to 5 days/week, where this enhancement plateaued, while average training session duration was positively related to SV, stabilizing at 91–120 min/session (p < 0.001 for both). Conclusions: There is a dose–response relationship between both weekly training frequency and training session duration, and mental health benefits in recreational runners. Further longitudinal studies are needed in order to determine the optimal dose–response relationship for simultaneously enhancing mental health outcomes and running performance in recreational runners, especially regarding weekly training frequency, training session duration, and exercise intensity.Ítem La educación española en la actualidad: entre la globalidad y la personalización, entre la diversidad y la igualdad, entre la inteligencia artificial y la capacidad humana(Movimiento de Renovación Pedagógica de Educadores Milanianos, 2024) Villardón Gallego, LourdesÍtem Construyendo competencias colaborativas: aprendizaje basado en proyectos en el entorno universitario(Universidad de Sevilla, Departamento de Teoría e Historia de la Educación y Pedagogía Social, 2024) Melguizo Garín, Anabel; García Cid, AlbaEste artículo explora la importancia del aprendizaje basado en proyectos (ABP) en la educación superior como metodología activa. El ABP promueve una experiencia de aprendizaje que va más allá de la adquisición de conocimientos teóricos, permitiendo al alumnado desarrollar habilidades interpersonales y técnicas necesarias para el futuro entorno laboral. Se empleó un diseño pre-post en una muestra de 43 estudiantes de la Universidad de Deusto, utilizando un cuestionario ad hoc con registro de datos cuantitativos y cualitativos con el objetivo de evaluar percepciones y competencias personales y grupales con respecto a las metodologías de enseñanza tradicionales y la metodología ABP. Los hallazgos indican que el ABP mejora la valoración y percepción del alumnado con respecto a sus aprendizajes. Adicionalmente, se encuentra una mejora en cuanto a la concepción del trabajo grupal, especialmente en términos de autonomía, pertenencia y desarrollo de competencias como la comunicación y el liderazgo. El estudio presenta limitaciones, como el tamaño de la muestra y la falta de un seguimiento longitudinal. Se recomienda en futuras investigaciones ampliar la muestra y emplear evaluaciones de rendimiento académico más objetivas. Los resultados sugieren que el ABP es una metodología valiosa para la educación superior, preparando a los y las estudiantes para entornos laborales colaborativos y adaptativos, fortaleciendo competencias grupales claveÍtem Secularidad y enseñanza de la religión en España(Universidad Pontificia Comillas, CESI-JESPRE, 2024) León Azcárate, Juan Luis de; Ruiz Pérez, Francisco José; Uriarte, LuzioLa relación entre el fenómeno religioso y el marco de la secularidad o la postsecularidad se hace presente en el ámbito de la escuela pública y, en cierta medida, reproduce las tensiones que tiene la sociedad a la hora de situar esa relación. El objetivo de este texto es presentar y valorar esa relación en el caso español, el cual posee un modelo de tipo confesional de la enseñanza de la religión en la escuela pública. La descripción del modelo debe tener en cuenta el contexto histórico particular y su aplicación, que ha tenido variaciones significativas a lo largo del período democrático según los gobiernos de turno. Se trata de una opción muy controvertida que requiere una valoración ponderada, de tal manera que el texto sumaría los aspectos positivos y las dificultades que suscita el modelo en general y, en particular, la concreción española. La controversia tiene aspectos más coyunturales y otros de mayor calado, cuyo tratamiento sugiere una reflexión de tipo antropológico y teológico, la cual se realiza de manera incipiente.