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Ítem Trabajando conjuntamente: proyecto colaborativo entre asignaturas de inglés(Grupo de Comunicación Loyola, 2018) Gutiérrez Fernández, Nerea; Korres, OihaneÍtem A multi-parametric model for progression of metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis (MASH) in humans(IEEE, 2024) Baek, Jihye; Sanabria, Sergio; Oyarzabal, Ignacio; Echevarría Uraga, José Javier; Quesada Granja, Carlos; Dahl, Jeremy; Parker, Kevin J.Multiparametric analysis of quantitative ultrasound parameters was previously shown to improve assessment of metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver diseases (MAFLD). In this study, we aim to develop a multiparametric model for metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis (MASH), which contains more complex disease progression as an advanced version of MAFLD.We extracted quantitative ultrasound parameters, including H-scan frequency, Burr distribution λ and b, B-mode intensity, and shear wave speed (SWS). The parameters were categorized and displayed in multiparametric space. Support vector machine (SVM) was used to produce hyperplanes to differentiate MASH stages. Gaussian mixture model (GMM) was used to identify the centroids of the MASH stages. The centroids of MASH stages 0, 2, and 4 were then used to find early and late stage MASH progression vectors.To evaluate the multiparametric model, we performed an in vivo human study. 39 patients were enrolled and unterwent clinical tests, such as biopsy, blood biochemistry, metabolomics test (OWLiver), and ultrasound B-mode and shear wave elastography (SWE). A clinician confirmed MASH stages based on the clinical test results (M0: no disease; M1: steatosis; M2: steatohepatitis; M3: steatohepatitis with fibrosis; M4: steatohepatitis with cirrhosis).Complex disease progression was not well characterized by individual parameters, but the multiparametric model captured the trajectory of MASH progression. SVM classification resulted in 87.0% and 76.8% accuracy for training and testing, respectively. SVM and GMM produced a consistent trajectory in the multiparametric space. In conclusion, our multiparametric model was able to track nonlinear MASH progression trajectory accurately.Ítem El delito de enaltecimiento del terrorismo por medio de internet: ¿una respuesta penal proporcional a su capacidad lesiva?(Tirant lo Blanch, 2020) López Gorostidi, JonÍtem An environment adaptive ZigBee-based indoor positioning algorithm(IEEE, 2010) Larranaga, Janire; Muguira Urtubi, Leire; López Garde, Juan Manuel; Vázquez Gómez, Juan IgnacioLately, there has been significant progress in the field of wireless communications and networking. Furthermore, the number of applications that require context information as the user's location will increase in the coming years. However, this issue still has not been solved indoors due to the RF (Radio Frequency) signals' behaviour in this kind of scenarios. In this paper, we present a robust, easy to deploy and flexible indoor localization system based on ZigBee Wireless Sensor Networks. It is important to mention that our localization system is based on RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) level measurements since this information can be obtained directly from the messages exchanged between nodes, so no extra hardware is required. Our localization system consists of two phases: calibration and localization. Anytime a blind node needs to be located, our system performs calibration using a matrices system, so that the environment can be characterized, taking into account possible changes on it since the last request. Then, in the localization phase, the central server processes all the information and calculates the blind node's position with the new iterative algorithm we present. With this indoor positioning algorithm we can estimate the blind node's position with a good resolution (3 m average error), so we can say that this ZigBee localization algorithm provides very promising results.Ítem Architecture for WSN nodes integration in context aware systems using semantic messages(Springer, 2010) Larizgoitia, Iker; Muguira Urtubi, Leire; Vázquez Gómez, Juan IgnacioWireless sensor networks (WSN) are becoming extremely popular in the development of context aware systems. TraditionallyWSN have been focused on capturing data, which was later analyzed and interpreted in a server with more computational power. In this kind of scenario the problem of representing the sensor information needs to be addressed. Every node in the network might have different sensors attached; therefore their correspondent packet structures will be different. The server has to be aware of the meaning of every single structure and data in order to be able to interpret them.Multiple sensors, multiple nodes, multiple packet structures (and not following a standard format) is neither scalable nor interoperable. Context aware systems have solved this problem with the use of semantic technologies. They provide a common framework to achieve a standard definition of any domain. Nevertheless, these representations are computationally expensive, so a WSN cannot afford them. The work presented in this paper tries to bridge the gap between the sensor information and its semantic representation, by defining a simple architecture that enables the definition of this information natively in a semantic way, achieving the integration of the semantic information in the network packets. This will have several benefits, the most important being the possibility of promoting every WSN node to a real semantic information source. © 2010 ICST Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering.Ítem Interacting with the digital world through RFID-powered gadgets(IEEE, 2009) Muguira Urtubi, Leire; Ruiz de Garibay Pascual, Jonathan; Vázquez Gómez, Juan IgnacioThe Internet of Things is a field of the Future Internet that has a significant support from different institutions. Research has been done in this area for years and although it has progressed significantly, their goals remain the same: designing innovative Internet-connected experiences and augmenting existing objects' capabilities with Internet-related features. The scientific community has explored new ways and concepts, such as, service generation and consumption or user interaction. In this paper we present our work on creating RFID-based smart gadgets in order to take Internet experience to the next level, merging the on-line and the tangible worlds into a single continuous space.Ítem Internet browsing through RFID-powered gadgets(IOS Press, 2009) Muguira Urtubi, Leire; Ruiz de Garibay Pascual, Jonathan; Vázquez Gómez, Juan IgnacioThe vision of the Internet of Things is challenging researchers from different fields with the common goal of designing innovative Internet-connected experiences or augmenting existing objects' capabilities with Internet-related features. During these first stages, researchers must explore new ways and concepts, and share the results with the scientific community. In this paper, we present our work on creating RFID-based smart gadgets in order to take Internet experience to the next level, merging the on-line and the tangible worlds into a single continuous space.Ítem RFIDGlove: a wearable RFID reader(IEEE, 2009) Muguira Urtubi, Leire; Vázquez Gómez, Juan Ignacio; Arruti, Asier; Ruiz de Garibay Pascual, Jonathan; Mendia, Izaskun; Renteria, SilviaThere are different experiences in the use of RFID technology for warehouse inventories. However, there is future work to do on the design of advanced reading devices, applying wearable computation techniques and wireless communications. The aim of this work is to allow a natural interaction for the user who performs inventory tasks. In this paper we show the RFIDGlove system, which consists of a glove with an integrated RFID reader, an organic micro display and a communication system. The RFIDGlove system increases the efficiency of the activities in these areas, improving the user's experience and comfort while he/she uses the system. © 2009 IEEE.Ítem Elementos epistémicos para un debate postconvencional en Trabajo Social(Tirant lo Blanch, 2019) Sobremonte de Mendicuti, Emma; Rodríguez Berrio, ArantxaÍtem A model of non functional properties for grid resources(Springer, 2009) Buján Carballal, David; Corcho García, Óscar; Díaz Labrador, JosukaSo far, Grid information providers basically give functional values about resources, although some of them also provide aggregated information. Therefore, existing Grid information models essentially represent this syntactic information and also propose different taxonomies of resources. Hence, Grid information consumers commonly use functional properties to select resources in order to send jobs to a Grid. There are some approaches that try to use isolated techniques to take into consideration some QoS properties, like performance. In this paper, we propose a unified model for representing Grid resources and their non functional properties, adding semantics to Grid information systems. On one hand, this model is an ontology-based model developed to integrate existing approaches of Grid information models and non functional properties representations in general. But on the other hand, our model also proposes a measuring system - currently in development - for some non functional properties like reliability, availability and performance. Here we only present an overview about how to represent and measure reliability information of resources in Grids. This example is used to illustrate our work in progress.Ítem Spatial decision making for improvement of the resilience of the historic areas: SHELTER DSS(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2024) Villanueva-Merino, Asel; López-de-Aguileta-Benito, Amaia; Izkara Martínez, José Luis; Egusquiza, AitziberOne of the challenges of Europe is how to adapt cultural heritage and historic areas to current climate change and natural disasters, these are causing irreversible losses on natural and historical heritage. The identification of the risk that heritage assets are suffering, and which are the best strategies or solutions to protect and conserve them is crucial. The article describes a decision support system that provides information in a GIS3D way, improving the analysis of the data and helps finding the best solutions for each heritage asset, working in an early-stage phase. The tool is divided in two components, on the one hand an interactive catalog of solutions, implementing multiple filters and multicriteria analysis methodology, making easier to find the solutions that better match each case. On the other hand, a risk assessment baseline visualization component that shows precalculated risk score for different hazards (Heat waves, wildfires, earthquakes, storms, flooding, and subsidence) in a table and in GIS 3D assets, and the same component allows the simulation of the impact of the solutions in the different capabilities of the assets. The tool allows saving the generated scenario for being loaded in the future. The components of the tool are flexible and can be used separately, accessing to visualization of solutions and their information, or making simulations.Ítem Discapacidad y guarda de hecho: la reforma del Código Civil derivada de la Convención internacional sobre los derechos de las personas con discapacidad(Tirant lo Blanch, 2020) Monje Balmaseda, ÓscarÍtem Consideraciones generales sober la Mediación Civil y Mercantil, a próposito de la Ley 5/2012, de 6 de julio, de Mediación en Asuntos Civiles y Mercantiles(J.M. Bosch, 2014) Larena Beldarrain, JavierÍtem Berri corpus manager: a corpus analysis tool using MongoDB technology(IOS Press BV, 2020-09-15) Sanjurjo González, HugoNowadays, there are many options for corpus linguistic analysis that make use of different approaches for corpus storage. There are tools based on SQL databases, dedicated implementations such as CQP/CWB and others that employ plain-text corpora. NoSQL databases have been widely used for big data, data mining and even sentiment analysis. However, as far as we can see, there is a lack of a widespread concordancer or consolidated framework that makes use of MongoDB architecture for the purposes of corpus linguistics. This paper aims to describe the architecture of a software that allows users to analyse monolingual and bilingual parallel corpora with grammatical annotation using MongoDB technology. Our premises are that MongoDB is ideal for non-structured data and provides high flexibility and scalability, so it may be also useful for corpus linguistic research. We analyse functionalities of MongoDB such as text search indexes and query format in order to examine its suitability.Ítem New approaches in context modelling for tourism applications(Springer Berlin, 2012) Buján Carballal, David; Martín, David; Torices, Ortzi; Uriarte, AritzThe notion of context has been widely studied and there are several authors that have proposed different definitions of context. However, context has not been widely studied in the framework of human mobility and the notion of context has been directly imported from other computing fields without specifically addressing the tourism domain requirements. In order to store and manage context information a context data model is needed. Ontologies have been widely used in context modelling, but many of them are designed to be applied in general ubiquitous computing environments, do not contain specific concepts related to the tourism domain or some approaches do not contain enough concepts to represent context information related to the visitor or tourist on the move as we need in the TourExp project. That is why we propose a new approach to provide a better solution to model context data in tourism environments, adding more value to our solution reusing Open Data about tourist resources from Open Data Euskadi initiative and publishing it as Linked DataÍtem A semantic matching algorithm for discovery in UDDI(IEEE, 2007) Aguilera, Unai; Abaitua, Joseba; Díaz Labrador, Josuka; Buján Carballal, David; López de Ipiña González de Artaza, DiegoOne of the key objectives of web service technology is to construct processes that enable service providers to interconnect with their clients. The industry has developed the UDDI registry to enable the register of services and to make them available to their users. However, the keyword-based search of UDDI frequently return no results because there is no relation between the concepts used by the providers and those used by the clients. This paper presents an UDDI registry extended with semantic functionality by means of a generic semantic discovery algorithm that is not bound to any specific ontology or concepts from it. It enables to match instances and properties without specifically knowing the ontologies being matched. Furthermore, we present an ontology which represents the information associated with a business entity in UDDI, and which enables users to register and search business information semantically also using the former algorithmÍtem A generic matching algorithm for semantic discovery(IEEE, 2007) Aguilera, Unai; Abaitua, Joseba; Díaz Labrador, Josuka; Buján Carballal, David; López de Ipiña González de Artaza, DiegoThis paper presents a generic semantic discovery algorithm, based in OWL, for UDDI registries that is not bound to any specific ontology or concepts from it. It enables to match instances and properties without specifically knowing the ontologies being matched and it enables to use all concepts contained in the request resulting in a matching closer to the user needs. Also, the generality of the proposed algorithm enables to change the ontology being used to describe an element in the registry without needing to modify the algorithm and therefore, it enables to use other OWL ontologies to describe the information stored in the registryÍtem WebLab-Deployer: exporting remote laboratories as SaaS through federation protocols(IEEE, 2013) Orduña Fernández, Pablo; Larrakoetxea, Xabier; Buján Carballal, David; Angulo Martínez, Ignacio; Dziabenko, Olga; Rodríguez Gil, Luis; López de Ipiña González de Artaza, Diego; García-Zubía, JavierDuring the last decade, remote laboratories have been extensively used as a primary learning tool in many universities around the world. However, today most of the remote laboratories are still only used by the same institution that provides or even develops them, or by direct partners in federated environments. There are two ways to support this type of federation: a) using a federated authentication system such as Shibboleth or b) installing a remote laboratory management system that supports federation natively. In both cases, the consumer institution must go through a process of deployment or complex configuration. This contribution explores providing access to laboratories using a Cloud Computing approach, considering the federated environments that do not have laboratories attached as a SaaS (Software as a Service) system. This approach not only makes adoption by other institutions easier, but also benefits from the existing features provided by Cloud Computing, such as elasticity to reuse the same resources for different institutions to balance the loadÍtem Komunikazioko graduko euskal ikasleen matematika-antsietatea neurtzeko RMARS galdetegiaren euskarazko bertsioaren garapena(Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea (UEU), 2023) Berasategi, MirenDatuek gero eta presentzia handiagoa duten egungo errealitate konplexua ulertzeko gaitasunari eragiten dioten faktore mugatzaileen artean kokatzen da matematika-antsietatea. Kazetariek datuetan oinarritutako informazioaren zabalkundean jokatzen duten bitartekari paper nabarmena dela eta (Kovach eta Rosenstiel, 2014), ikerketa-objektu esanguratsua dira, bereziki zabaldua egonik kazetaritzako ikasleak “matematikarekin txarrak” direla (Bradshaw, 2018; Maier, 2002). Ikerlan honek Deustuko Unibertsitateko Komunikazioko graduko 185 ikasleren matematikaantsietatea neurtzen du, eta antsietate honek haien matematika-errendimendua zein neurritan oztopatzen duen. Aldi berean, neurketa hori egiteko euskarazko tresna proposatu eta balioztatzen du, euskal hiztunek ohikoa ez den hizkuntzan matematikekin aritzean jasan dezaketen antsietate gehigarria saihestu eta hizkuntza-aldaketaren eragina ikertzeko helburuzÍtem Short-term logistics management at a multinational corporation(Elsevier B.V., 2020) Álvarez de los Mozos, Esther; García López, NicolásNowadays, many companies still operate without any process standardization in relation to short-term logistics management, which leads to a lack of control of both times and costs of logistical operations. This paper starts from a study that has been performed at a multinational corporation which manufactures fiber-reinforced plastic boxes and cabinets with doors, where the final product-storage area and the picking section frequently become overloaded. In addition, warehouse operators do not follow standardized procedures and usually carry out too many movements to complete their tasks. Finally, there is not a suitable daily logistics planning system to make sure that capacity and demand are in balance. This paper proposes a solution to this problem by means of a Methods-Time Measurement (MTM) study as well as a daily workload planner to control short-term logistical operations. Thanks to the implementation of this system, the company has been able to plan the day-today workload in an accurate way and to precisely determine the necessary resources for the picking and shipping orders. Moreover, the company has gained flexibility in order to better match demand and capacity and has experimented significant cost savings and a better delivery service to its customers.