Berri corpus manager: a corpus analysis tool using MongoDB technology
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IOS Press BV
Nowadays, there are many options for corpus linguistic analysis that make use of different approaches for corpus storage. There are tools based on SQL databases, dedicated implementations such as CQP/CWB and others that employ plain-text corpora. NoSQL databases have been widely used for big data, data mining and even sentiment analysis. However, as far as we can see, there is a lack of a widespread concordancer or consolidated framework that makes use of MongoDB architecture for the purposes of corpus linguistics. This paper aims to describe the architecture of a software that allows users to analyse monolingual and bilingual parallel corpora with grammatical annotation using MongoDB technology. Our premises are that MongoDB is ideal for non-structured data and provides high flexibility and scalability, so it may be also useful for corpus linguistic research. We analyse functionalities of MongoDB such as text search indexes and query format in order to examine its suitability.
Palabras clave
Corpus analysis tool
Corpus linguistics
NoSQL database
Corpus analysis tool
Corpus linguistics
NoSQL database
Ponencia presentada en la 9th International Conference, Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective (Baltic HLT 2020), celebrada en Kaunas, Lituania, entre el 22 y 23 de septiembre de 2020.
Sanjurjo-González, H. (2020). Berri corpus manager: a corpus analysis tool using MongoDB technology. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 328, 166-173.