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Examinando Investigación por Autor "Abaitua, Joseba"
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Ítem Context management platform for tourism applications(MDPI AG, 2013) Buján Carballal, David; Martín, David; Torices, Ortzi; López de Ipiña González de Artaza, Diego; Lamsfus Franco, Carlos; Abaitua, Joseba; Alzua Sorzabal, AurkeneThe notion of context has been widely studied and there are several authors that have proposed different definitions of context. However, context has not been widely studied in the framework of human mobility and the notion of context has been imported directly from other computing fields without specifically addressing the tourism domain requirements. In order to store and manage context information a context data model and a context management platform are needed. Ontologies have been widely used in context modelling, but many of them are designed to be applied in general ubiquitous computing environments, do not contain specific concepts related to the tourism domain or some approaches do not contain enough concepts to represent context information related to the visitor on the move. That is why we propose a new approach to provide a better solution to model context data in tourism environments, adding more value to our solution reusing data about tourist resources from an Open Data repository and publishing it as Linked Data. We also propose the architecture for a context information management platform based on this context data modelÍtem A generic matching algorithm for semantic discovery(IEEE, 2007) Aguilera, Unai; Abaitua, Joseba; Díaz Labrador, Josuka; Buján Carballal, David; López de Ipiña González de Artaza, DiegoThis paper presents a generic semantic discovery algorithm, based in OWL, for UDDI registries that is not bound to any specific ontology or concepts from it. It enables to match instances and properties without specifically knowing the ontologies being matched and it enables to use all concepts contained in the request resulting in a matching closer to the user needs. Also, the generality of the proposed algorithm enables to change the ontology being used to describe an element in the registry without needing to modify the algorithm and therefore, it enables to use other OWL ontologies to describe the information stored in the registryÍtem Issues in WebLab development: security, accessibility, collaboration and multilinguality(Universidad de Deusto, Servicio de Publicaciones = Deustuko Unibertsitatea, Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2007) Oliver Bernal, Francisco Javier; Abaitua, Joseba; Díaz Labrador, Josuka; Jacob Taquet, Inés; Buján Carballal, David; Garaizar, Pablo; Lázaro Hermosilla, LuisÍtem Resolución de correferencias para la captura de eventos(Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Centro Regional Zona Atlántica, 2015) Cantamutto, Lucía; Abaitua, Joseba; Buján Carballal, David; Díaz Labrador, Josuka; Bermúdez Galbarriatu, JosuEl algoritmo Stanford Multi Sieve Pass (propuesto por Raghunathan et al. 2010) realiza secuencialmente una serie de pasos de reconocimiento que de manera incremental terminan proponiendo correferencias entre las entidades candidatas identificadas en el texto. En este artículo, presentamos brevemente los trabajosde adaptación de este algoritmo y de otras herramientas de análisis (p. e., OpeNER) a textos en español (Agerri et al. 2013; Bermúdez 2013). A fin de avanzar en el desarrollo de estas herramientas para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (PLN), aplicamos estas directrices manualmente sobre un corpus experimental extraído de Wikipedia, con los que se pueden configurar textos breves (como por ejemplo tuits u otro tipo de microcontenidos) con sentido pleno. Como resultado, se ofrece un ejemplo de análisis manual que será automatizado en etapas posteriores de la investigación.Ítem A semantic matching algorithm for discovery in UDDI(IEEE, 2007) Aguilera, Unai; Abaitua, Joseba; Díaz Labrador, Josuka; Buján Carballal, David; López de Ipiña González de Artaza, DiegoOne of the key objectives of web service technology is to construct processes that enable service providers to interconnect with their clients. The industry has developed the UDDI registry to enable the register of services and to make them available to their users. However, the keyword-based search of UDDI frequently return no results because there is no relation between the concepts used by the providers and those used by the clients. This paper presents an UDDI registry extended with semantic functionality by means of a generic semantic discovery algorithm that is not bound to any specific ontology or concepts from it. It enables to match instances and properties without specifically knowing the ontologies being matched. Furthermore, we present an ontology which represents the information associated with a business entity in UDDI, and which enables users to register and search business information semantically also using the former algorithm