Estereotipos sobre género del deporte entre la población guipuzcoana
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Federación Española de Asociaciones de Docentes de Educación Física (FEADEF)
Históricamente, la mujer ha sido apartada del deporte en general y de algunas disciplinas deportivas en particular. Argumentos como su fragilidad física, los efectos negativos para su salud o el efecto antiestético que pudiera causar la práctica deportiva han sido las razones alegadas para ello. Estas cuestiones han sido, en muy buena parte, ya vencidas, pero los estereotipos de género todavía persisten. Una encuesta realizada a una muestra representativa de la población guipuzcoana a través del sistema CATI, con el objetivo de analizar los estereotipos de género del deporte y de conocer la opinión sobre la participación paritaria en el deporte y el fomento de una única clasificación deportiva así lo ha dejado en evidencia una vez más. De las 33 disciplinas deportivas incluidas en los Juegos Olímpicos, solo dos, la Equitación y el Atletismo: saltos, no fueron percibidas como masculinas ni como femeninas. Las declaraciones institucionales, la promulgación de leyes para la participación paritaria de hombres y mujeres en el deporte y la eliminación de barreras por sexo en la práctica de las diferentes disciplinas deportivas van abriendo camino hacia la paridad. Sin embargo, los prejuicios y los estereotipos de género persisten. Después de más de un siglo de los primeros Juegos Olímpicos de la modernidad queda camino por andar para superar los estereotipos sobre género del deporte.
Historically, women have been excluded from sport in general and from some sporting disciplines in particular. Arguments such as their physical fragility, the negative effects on their health or the unsightly effect that sports practice could cause have been the reasons given for this. These issues have largely been overcome, but gender stereotypes persist. A survey carried out on a representative sample of the population of Gipuzkoa through the CATI system, with the aim of analysing gender stereotypes in sport and to ascertain opinions on equal participation in sport and the promotion of a single sporting classification, has once again shown this to be the case.. Of the 33 sports disciplines included in the Olympic Games, only two, Equestrian and Athletics: jumping, were perceived as neither male nor female. Institutional declarations, the enhancement of laws for the equal gender participation in sport, and the elimination of gender barriers in the practice of different sport disciplines are paving the way towards parity. However, prejudices and gender stereotypes persist. More than a century after the first modern Olympic Games, there is still a long way to go to overcome gender stereotypes in sport.
Historically, women have been excluded from sport in general and from some sporting disciplines in particular. Arguments such as their physical fragility, the negative effects on their health or the unsightly effect that sports practice could cause have been the reasons given for this. These issues have largely been overcome, but gender stereotypes persist. A survey carried out on a representative sample of the population of Gipuzkoa through the CATI system, with the aim of analysing gender stereotypes in sport and to ascertain opinions on equal participation in sport and the promotion of a single sporting classification, has once again shown this to be the case.. Of the 33 sports disciplines included in the Olympic Games, only two, Equestrian and Athletics: jumping, were perceived as neither male nor female. Institutional declarations, the enhancement of laws for the equal gender participation in sport, and the elimination of gender barriers in the practice of different sport disciplines are paving the way towards parity. However, prejudices and gender stereotypes persist. More than a century after the first modern Olympic Games, there is still a long way to go to overcome gender stereotypes in sport.
Palabras clave
Juegos Olímpicos
Olympic Games
Gender parity
Olympic Games
Gender parity
Mujika Alberdi, A., García Arrizabalaga, I., & Gibaja Martíns, J. J. (2024). Estereotipos sobre género del deporte entre la población guipuzcoana. Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación, 51, 1226-1233.