Moderating factors of the association between being sexually solicited by adults and active online sexual behaviors in adolescents

dc.contributor.authorCalvete Zumalde, Esther
dc.contributor.authorFernández González, Liria
dc.contributor.authorRoyuela Colomer, Estíbaliz
dc.contributor.authorMorea, Aida
dc.contributor.authorLarrucea Iruretagoyena, Maite
dc.contributor.authorMachimbarrena, Juan M.
dc.contributor.authorGonzález Cabrera, Joaquín
dc.contributor.authorOrue Sola, Izaskun
dc.description.abstractOnline sexual solicitation involves receiving sexual solicitations from adults, which can be followed by active online sexual behaviors by the victims. This study examined the moderator role of some characteristics of adolescents (sex, age, and problematic Internet use) that could make them more vulnerable to react by engaging in active sexual behaviors when they are the recipients of sexual solicitations. The final sample was comprised of 1260 adolescents (55.6% girls, 12–17 years) who completed measures in two waves with an interval of one year. The measures included online sexual solicitation, active sexual interaction with an adult, and sexting to friends and/or one's partner in both waves of the study. Sexual solicitations by adults predicted an increase in sexualized interactions with adults and sending sexts to friends and/or one's partner. Moderation tests indicated that, although girls receive more sexual solicitations, they are actively involved to a lesser extent than boys in sexualized interactions with adults and in sending sexts. The youngest adolescents received fewer sexual solicitations, but those who did receive sexual solicitations sent more sexts to friends and/or one's partner. Problematic Internet use, although associated with all online sexual risks, did not moderate the dynamics between risks.en
dc.identifier.citationCalvete, Fernández-González, Royuela-Colomer, Morea, Larrucea-Iruretagoyena, Machimbarrena, Gónzalez-Cabrera, & Orue. (2021). Moderating factors of the association between being sexually solicited by adults and active online sexual behaviors in adolescents. Computers in Human Behavior, 124.
dc.publisherElsevier Ltd
dc.subject.otherOnline sexual solicitation
dc.subject.otherSexualized interaction with adults
dc.subject.otherProblematic internet use
dc.subject.otherOnline grooming
dc.titleModerating factors of the association between being sexually solicited by adults and active online sexual behaviors in adolescentsen
dc.typejournal article
dcterms.accessRightsmetadata only access
oaire.citation.titleComputers in Human Behavior