Entrepreneurial activity of immigrants in Spain

dc.contributor.advisorPeña Legazkue, Iñakies_ES
dc.contributor.authorIrastorza Arandia, Nahikaries_ES
dc.contributor.otherFacultad de Humanidadeses_ES
dc.contributor.otherLas Ciencias Humanas en la Sociedad del Conocimientoes_ES
dc.description.abstractThis dissertation analyzes the entrepreneurial activity of immigrants in Spain and the Basque Country. Based on data collected by the General Entrepreneurship Monitor and the Basque Statistics Institute, I draw on human capital, social cognition and spatial economic theories, and the immigrant entrepreneurship literature to analyze the different stages of the entrepreneurial process, starting from the intention to create a firm until start-up (pre-start-up stage) and through to the assessment of the performance of the business (post-start-up stage). More specifically, I focus on the entrepreneurial propensity of immigrants of various origins as well as the success level achieved by their initiatives. In order to assess the immigrants' success as entrepreneurs, I compare the survival rates of foreign- and native-owned firms and the earnings of salaried and self-employed immigrants. I found that immigrants are more likely to start a business than natives, but less likely to succeed in terms of venture survival. Moreover, self-employed immigrants earn a higher income than salaried ones. Based on the findings of my empirical work, this dissertation makes a modest contribution to the debate surrounding the economic and social benefits immigrants could derive from self-employment. In addition, I discuss the appropriateness of labelling the entrepreneurial activity of immigrants and ethnic minorities as ethnic and immigrant entrepreneurship. I identify some barriers faced by immigrants both during the start-up process and the subsequent running of the business, and I suggest policy initiatives to help immigrants overcome these difficulties. In the last section of the dissertation, the methodological and data-related limitations of the study are presented and future research avenues are suggested.es_ES
dc.publisherUniversidad de Deustoes_ES
dc.subjectCiencias económicases_ES
dc.subjectDemografía históricaes_ES
dc.subjectOrganización y dirección de empresases_ES
dc.titleEntrepreneurial activity of immigrants in Spaines_ES
dc.typedoctoral thesises_ES
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