Research institutes as change agents in territorial development: An analytical framework on responsible research communication
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Universidad de Deusto
Research institutes created within universities with the explicit mission of engaging in the socio-economic development of their territories can help universities to overcome the challenges they face when attempting to produce socially relevant knowledge. Through their more open and flexible governance, such institutes can develop research processes with other territorial actors to address local or regional challenges and produce new knowledge relevant in academia. While the literature has addressed how such research processes develop, highlighting the role played by dialogue, considerably less attention is paid to how the research outputs of dialogical research processes are communicated.
This dissertation addresses the gap in the literature on the dialogical dissemination of research outputs. To that end, it builds an analytical framework on Responsible Research Communication (RRC) in two steps. The first step identifies the main features of responsible research communication through a literature review on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and Communication for Development and Social Change (CDSC). The second step tests the analytical framework in practice using action research as a method. The action research process consists of helping two researchers to communicate a research output (a book) reflecting on the features of the analytical framework on RRC. The lessons learnt from testing the theoretical features in practice are incorporated and the analytical framework is reformulated. The robustness of the reformulated analytical framework on RRC is then tested with a diversity of researchers working in a research institute with the explicit mission of acting as an agent of change in its territory.
The dissertation concludes with recommendations on RRC for research institutes, stakeholders and individual researchers and opens future lines of research.
Palabras clave
Ciencias económicas
Ciencia política
Economía del cambio tecnológico
Geografía económica
Ciencias políticas
Cambio y desarrollo social
Ciencia política
Economía del cambio tecnológico
Geografía económica
Ciencias políticas
Cambio y desarrollo social