Panorama general de las llamadas "políticas de segunda oportunidad" para las pequeñas y medianas empresas
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Universidad de Deusto = Deustuko Unibertsitatea, Asociación Internacional de Derecho Cooperativo
Las pequeñas empresas son, sin duda alguna, las que de manera más intensa están padeciendo las consecuencias negativas de la crisis económica actual. El concepto de «fresh start» o «segunda oportunidad del concursado», alude al conjunto de mecanismos o instituciones cuyo objetivo fundamental es conseguir que, si se dan ciertos requisitos, pueda llevar a cabo nuevamente una participación efectiva en el tráfico jurídico, en condiciones de igualdad con los restantes intervinientes en el mercado. Resulta evidente que la a concepción actual del concurso ejerce un efecto claramente desincentivador del espíritu emprendedor. Esta es la razón fundamental que justifica la escasa utilización del mismo como cauce para dar respuesta a las dificultades financieras de las empresas
Small businesses are without doubt those that are most intensely suffering the negative consequences of the current economic crisis. The concept of «Fresh Start» or «Second Chance of the Insolvent Debtor» refers to the set of mechanisms or institutions whose main aim is to ensure that, if certain requirements are met, effective participation on legal affairs can take place again, on an equal footing to other market stakeholders. It is obvious that the current concept of creditor insolvency has a clear discouraging effect on the entrepreneurial spirit. This is the main reason that justifies its little use as a means to respond to the financial difficulties of businesses
Small businesses are without doubt those that are most intensely suffering the negative consequences of the current economic crisis. The concept of «Fresh Start» or «Second Chance of the Insolvent Debtor» refers to the set of mechanisms or institutions whose main aim is to ensure that, if certain requirements are met, effective participation on legal affairs can take place again, on an equal footing to other market stakeholders. It is obvious that the current concept of creditor insolvency has a clear discouraging effect on the entrepreneurial spirit. This is the main reason that justifies its little use as a means to respond to the financial difficulties of businesses
Larena Beldarrain, J. (2014). Panorama general de las llamadas «políticas de segunda oportunidad» para las pequeñas y medianas empresas. Boletín de la Asociación Internacional de Derecho Cooperativo: International Association of Cooperative Law Journal, 48, 245-268.