Komunikazioko graduko euskal ikasleen matematika-antsietatea neurtzeko RMARS galdetegiaren euskarazko bertsioaren garapena
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Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea (UEU)
Datuek gero eta presentzia handiagoa duten egungo errealitate konplexua ulertzeko gaitasunari eragiten dioten faktore mugatzaileen artean kokatzen da matematika-antsietatea. Kazetariek datuetan oinarritutako informazioaren zabalkundean jokatzen duten bitartekari paper nabarmena dela eta (Kovach eta Rosenstiel, 2014), ikerketa-objektu esanguratsua dira, bereziki zabaldua egonik kazetaritzako ikasleak “matematikarekin txarrak” direla (Bradshaw, 2018; Maier, 2002). Ikerlan honek Deustuko Unibertsitateko Komunikazioko graduko 185 ikasleren matematikaantsietatea neurtzen du, eta antsietate honek haien matematika-errendimendua zein neurritan oztopatzen duen. Aldi berean, neurketa hori egiteko euskarazko tresna proposatu eta balioztatzen du, euskal hiztunek ohikoa ez den hizkuntzan matematikekin aritzean jasan dezaketen antsietate gehigarria saihestu eta hizkuntza-aldaketaren eragina ikertzeko helburuz
Our ability to grasp an increasingly complex datafied society is affected by limiting factors such as mathematics anxiety. Playing a central mediating role in transmitting increasingly datafied information (Kovach eta Rosenstiel, 2014), journalists are an interesting object of research, specially given the notion that journalism students are “bad with numbers”(Bradshaw, 2018; Maier, 2002). This study measures math anxiety on 185 Communication students at the University of Deusto, and explores how it interferes with their math performance. At the same time, a version in Basque of the measuring instrument is proposed and validated, with the aim to prevent the additional anxiety of Basque speakers when dealing with math in a second language, and also to investigate the effects of language switching in math anxiety and performance
Our ability to grasp an increasingly complex datafied society is affected by limiting factors such as mathematics anxiety. Playing a central mediating role in transmitting increasingly datafied information (Kovach eta Rosenstiel, 2014), journalists are an interesting object of research, specially given the notion that journalism students are “bad with numbers”(Bradshaw, 2018; Maier, 2002). This study measures math anxiety on 185 Communication students at the University of Deusto, and explores how it interferes with their math performance. At the same time, a version in Basque of the measuring instrument is proposed and validated, with the aim to prevent the additional anxiety of Basque speakers when dealing with math in a second language, and also to investigate the effects of language switching in math anxiety and performance
Ponencia presentada en la V. Ikergazte. Nazioarteko Ikerketa Euskaraz, celebrada en Donostia-San Sebastián, celebrada entre el 17 y el 19 de mayo de 2023.
Berasategi, M. (2023). Komunikazioko graduko euskal ikasleen matematika-antsietatea neurtzeko RMARS galdetegiaren euskarazko bertsioaren garapena. En O. Arbelaitz Gallego, A. Latatu, & E. Pérez Gaztelu (eds.), Gizarte Zientziak eta Zuzenbidea: V. Ikergazte Nazioarteko Ikerteta Euskaraz. 2023eko maitzaren 17, 18 eta 19 Donostia, Euskal Herria. https://dx.doi.org/10.26876/ikergazte.v.02.21