Valores de referencia del SPPB en personas mayores de 60 años en el País Vasco
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Elsevier Doyma
Objetivo: Proporcionar valores de referencia del Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) en adultos y adultos mayores en el País Vasco, identificando puntos de corte para medir la fragilidad y comparar los valores con otras poblaciones de España.
Emplazamiento: Bilbao capital, País Vasco (España).
Participantes: 1.923 personas mayores de 60 años incluidos en el Programa de Salud para Personas Mayores del Ayuntamiento de Bilbao participaron en el estudio. El programa de actividad física (AF) se impartió dos veces por semana durante un mínimo de 12 semanas, con sesiones de 50 minutos.
Mediciones principales: Se evaluó a los participantes con la prueba SPPB que evalúa: equilibrio (PE), velocidad de la marcha en 4 m (PM) y la fuerza a través de la prueba de levantarse y sentarse de la silla (PS). Según el resultado obtenido de todas las pruebas, se identificó la funcionalidad de las personas en: limitación grave (cero a cuatro puntos), moderada (cuatro a seis puntos), leve (siete a nueve puntos) y mínima (10 a 12 puntos).
Resultados: Edad media 77,9 (5,6) años, siendo el 87,9% mujeres y el 12,1% hombres. La batería SPPB mostró diferencias significativas en la edad (p = 0,000) y género (p = 0,005) Además, se realizó una comparación con una población similar: 70 a 75 a˜nos = 0,6 (d de Cohen), 76 a 79 años = 0,98 (d de Cohen) y >80 años = 0,98 (d de Cohen).
Purpose: To provide reference values of Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) in adults and older adults in the Basque Country by identifying cut-off points for measuring fragility and comparing the values with other populations in Spain. Location: Bilbao capital, Basque Country (Spain). Participants: 1923 people over 60 years old included in the Health Program for the Elderly of the City of Bilbao participated in the study. The PA program was delivered twice a week for a minimum of 12 weeks, with 50-minute sessions. Main measurements: Participants were evaluated with the SPPB, which assesses balance (PE), gait speed test (PM) and chair stand test (PS). Based on the results obtained from all tests, the functionality of the participants was identified as: severe (0–4 points), moderate (4–6 points), mild (7–9 points) and minimal (10–12 points) limitation. Results: Mean age was 77.9 (5.6) years, 87.9% were women and 12.1% were men. The SPPB showed significant differences in age (p = 0.000) and gender (p = 0.005). In addition, a comparison was made with a similar population: 70–75 years = 0.6 (Cohen's d), 76–79 years = 0.98 (Cohen's d), and >80 years = 0.98 (Cohen's d). Conclusions: The present study indicates normative values for SPPB. People's functionality decreases, as they get older. Despite the current findings available to health professionals for more effective detection of fragility, many of them have not yet been translated into clinical practice.
Purpose: To provide reference values of Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) in adults and older adults in the Basque Country by identifying cut-off points for measuring fragility and comparing the values with other populations in Spain. Location: Bilbao capital, Basque Country (Spain). Participants: 1923 people over 60 years old included in the Health Program for the Elderly of the City of Bilbao participated in the study. The PA program was delivered twice a week for a minimum of 12 weeks, with 50-minute sessions. Main measurements: Participants were evaluated with the SPPB, which assesses balance (PE), gait speed test (PM) and chair stand test (PS). Based on the results obtained from all tests, the functionality of the participants was identified as: severe (0–4 points), moderate (4–6 points), mild (7–9 points) and minimal (10–12 points) limitation. Results: Mean age was 77.9 (5.6) years, 87.9% were women and 12.1% were men. The SPPB showed significant differences in age (p = 0.000) and gender (p = 0.005). In addition, a comparison was made with a similar population: 70–75 years = 0.6 (Cohen's d), 76–79 years = 0.98 (Cohen's d), and >80 years = 0.98 (Cohen's d). Conclusions: The present study indicates normative values for SPPB. People's functionality decreases, as they get older. Despite the current findings available to health professionals for more effective detection of fragility, many of them have not yet been translated into clinical practice.
Palabras clave
Actividad física
Adultos mayores
Promoción de la salud
Health promoting
Older adults
Physical activity
Actividad física
Adultos mayores
Promoción de la salud
Health promoting
Older adults
Physical activity
Río, X., Guerra-Balic, M., González-Pérez, A., Larrinaga-Undabarrena, A., & Coca, A. (2021). Reference values for SPPB in people over 60 years of age in the Basque Country. Atencion Primaria, 53(8).