A window of opportunity?: The Basque Nationalist Party and European Christian Democracy in exile

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Leuven University Press
Basque nationalist, Catholic and democratic. These three concepts, and in this order, defined the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV) when it went into exile in 1937 as a result of the Spanish Civil War. This exile would last for nearly forty years, the duration of Franco’s dictatorship. The PNV had been created in the late nineteenth century as a reaction to the supposed loss of Basque identity caused by what was perceived as a Spanish “invasion”. Its objective was to safeguard what it regarded as the essence of the Basque people, in which Catholicism played a key role. For the party’s...
Palabras clave
Arrieta Alberdi, L. (2021). A window of opportunity?: The Basque Nationalist Party and European Christian Democracy in Exile. En W. Kaiser & P. H. Kosicki, Political Exile in the Global Twentieth Century: Catholic Christian Democrats in Europe and the Americas (pp. 117-136). Leuven University Press.