Language performance and brain volumes, asymmetry, and cortical thickness in children born extremely preterm

dc.contributor.authorKvanta, Hedvig
dc.contributor.authorBolk, Jenny
dc.contributor.authorBroström, Lina
dc.contributor.authorNosko, Daniela
dc.contributor.authorFernández de Gamarra Oca, Lexuri
dc.contributor.authorPadilla, Nelly
dc.contributor.authorÅdén, Ulrika
dc.description.abstractBackground: Children born preterm are more prone to have language difficulties. Few studies focus on children born extremely preterm (EPT) and the structural differences in language-related regions between these children and children born at term. Methods: Our study used T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans to calculate the brain volumetry, brain asymmetry, and cortical thickness of language-related regions in 50 children born EPT and 37 term-born controls at 10 years of age. The language abilities of 41 of the children born EPT and 29 term-born controls were then assessed at 12 years of age, using the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fifth Edition and the Clinical Evaluations of Language Fundamentals, Fourth Edition. The differences between MRI parameters and their associations with language outcomes were compared in the two groups. Results: Brain volume and cortical thickness of language-related regions were reduced in children born EPT, but volumetric asymmetry was not different between children born EPT and at term. In children born EPT the brain volume was related to language outcomes, prior to adjustments for full-scale IQ. Conclusions: These findings expand our understanding of the structural correlates underlying impaired language performance in children born with EPT. Impact: The article expands understanding of the structure-function relationship between magnetic resonance imaging measurements of language-related regions and language outcomes for children born extremely preterm beyond infancy. Most literature to date has focused on very preterm children, but the focus in this paper is on extreme prematurity and language outcomes. While the brain volume and cortical thickness of language-related regions were reduced in children born EPT only the volume, prior to adjustment for full-scale IQ, was associated with language outcomes. We found no differences in volumetric asymmetry between children born EPT and at term.en
dc.description.sponsorshipThis study was supported by grants from the Swedish Medical Research Council (grant numbers, 2017-03043) (U.Å.), the regional agreement on medical training and clinical research (grant number, ALF SLL 20170243) between Stockholm County Council and the Karolinska Institutet (U.Å.), the Swedish Order of Freemasons in Stockholm (N.P.), the Swedish Medical Society (U.Å.), the Swedish Brain Foundation (grant number, FO2019-0045) (U.Å.), The Philipson Foundation (U.Å.), The Crown Princess Lovisa´s foundation (N.P.), the Sällskapet Barnavård and the Erik and Edith Fernström Stiftelse (N.P.). Region Stockholm (clinical postdoctoral appointment) (J.B.). Region Stockholm (combined clinical residency and PhD training program) (H.K.). The funders played no role in any aspect of the study or paper. Open access funding provided by Karolinska Institute.en
dc.identifier.citationKvanta, H., Bolk, J., Broström, L., Nosko, D., Fernández de Gamarra-Oca, L., Padilla, N., & Ådén, U. (2024). Language performance and brain volumes, asymmetry, and cortical thickness in children born extremely preterm. Pediatric Research, 95(4), 1070-1079.
dc.publisherSpringer Nature
dc.rights© The Author(s) 2023
dc.titleLanguage performance and brain volumes, asymmetry, and cortical thickness in children born extremely pretermen
dc.typejournal article
dcterms.accessRightsopen access
oaire.citation.titlePediatric Research
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