Ekintza-ikerketa partehartzailea euskararen hiztun aktibo bihurtzeko babesgune eta zubi-espazio
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Soziolinguistika Klusterra
Euskararen hiztun aktibo bihurtu nahi duten hiztun gazteen mudantza-prozesua (Pujolar eta Gonzàlez 2013) erraztu dezaketen espazioetan jarriko dugu arreta. Ildo horretan, ekintza-ikerketa partehartzailea (Greenwood eta Levin, 2006) eginda burutu den Bilbo Handiko unibertsitate-ikasleen mudantza- prozesuak izeneko proiektua proposatu nahi dugu espazio gisa, eta erakutsi proiektu hori, eta burutzeko sortu den komunitate epistemikoa (Estalella eta Sánchez Criado 2018), mudantza-prozesuak errazteko espazioa izan dela berez, bai babesgune (Puigdevall, Colombo eta Puigdevall, 2019; Hernández, Iñarra eta Altuna, 2021, zenbaki honetan bertan) bai zubi-espazio (del Valle 2001). Espazio horrek, proiektuaren diseinua eta helburua bera kontuan hartuta, baldintza mesedegarriak eman ditu eraldaketa- prozesuetarako, bai hizkuntza-praktikei dagokienez (aktibazioa), bai pertsonen subjektibotasunei dagokienez, gazteek izandako hausnarketa kritikoaren prozesuari esker. Gazteen hizkuntza-ahalduntzerako eta eraldaketa-prozesurako funtsezkoak izan diren elementuak erakutsiko ditugu.
We focus on spaces that can facilitate the shift for young speakers who want to become active Basque speakers (Pujolar & Gonzàlez 2013). In relation to this, we propose as a space a participatory action research project (Greenwood & Levin, 2006) entitled Muda processes among University Students in Greater Bilbao, showing that this project, and the epistemic community set up to carry it out (Estalella & Sánchez Criado 2018), has in itself been a space to facilitate the processes, both as a safe space (Puigdevall, Colombo & Puigdevall, 2019; Hernández, Iñarra & Altuna, 2021, in this same issue) and as a bridge space (del Valle 2001). This space, taking into account the design and purpose of the project itself, has provided favourable conditions for processes of transformation, with regard both to language practices (activation) and to people’s subjectivities, thanks to the process of critical reflection of young people. We will show the key factors for language empowerment and the transformation process in young people.
We focus on spaces that can facilitate the shift for young speakers who want to become active Basque speakers (Pujolar & Gonzàlez 2013). In relation to this, we propose as a space a participatory action research project (Greenwood & Levin, 2006) entitled Muda processes among University Students in Greater Bilbao, showing that this project, and the epistemic community set up to carry it out (Estalella & Sánchez Criado 2018), has in itself been a space to facilitate the processes, both as a safe space (Puigdevall, Colombo & Puigdevall, 2019; Hernández, Iñarra & Altuna, 2021, in this same issue) and as a bridge space (del Valle 2001). This space, taking into account the design and purpose of the project itself, has provided favourable conditions for processes of transformation, with regard both to language practices (activation) and to people’s subjectivities, thanks to the process of critical reflection of young people. We will show the key factors for language empowerment and the transformation process in young people.
Palabras clave
Ekintza-ikerketa partehartzailea
Young people
Participatory action research
Safe spaces
Bridge spaces
Ekintza-ikerketa partehartzailea
Young people
Participatory action research
Safe spaces
Bridge spaces
Amorrortu, E., Goirigolzarri Garaizar, J., & Ortega, A. (2021). Ekintza-ikerketa partehartzailea euskararen hiztun aktibo bihurtzeko babesgune eta zubi-espazio. Bat: Soziolinguistika aldizkaria, 120, 11-26.