“Always on”: propuestas para la efectividad del derecho a la desconexión digital en el marco de la economía 4.0
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ADAPT University Press
En una empresa y mundo cada vez más digitalizado preocupa la figura del profesional permanentemente conectado. Los efectos sobre la salud, los excesos incontrolados y no remunerados de la jornada de trabajo y la imposibilidad de conciliar la vida laboral con la personal y familiar como consecuencia de la incorrecta utilización de los dispositivos electrónicos han sido reiteradamente denunciados, lo que ha supuesto la reciente inclusión en nuestra legislación del “derecho a la desconexión digital”. Sin embargo, las exigencias legales son escasas y dejan en manos de los agentes sociales su concreción. Si de verdad se quiere que la previsión jurídica no pase de ser, como se ha criticado una y otra vez por la doctrina, una mera anécdota, será necesario que vaya acompañada de medidas legislativas y políticas efectivas sobre tiempo de trabajo que faciliten su ejercicio.
In the current companies and world, more and more digitalized, there are concerns about the situation of the permanent connected professional. The health effects, the long working hours without payment and the impossibility of conciliating the family and labor life, that are consequences of the wrongly usage of the electronic devices, have been repeatedly reported and has caused the “Digital disconnection Right” inclusion in our law. However, the legal requirements are few and have left its precision into the hands of the social agents. If we really want the legal estimation to be more than an anecdote, what has been criticized in several occasions by the doctrine, it would be needed to include legal measures and effective policies about the working hours in order to facilitate its working.
In the current companies and world, more and more digitalized, there are concerns about the situation of the permanent connected professional. The health effects, the long working hours without payment and the impossibility of conciliating the family and labor life, that are consequences of the wrongly usage of the electronic devices, have been repeatedly reported and has caused the “Digital disconnection Right” inclusion in our law. However, the legal requirements are few and have left its precision into the hands of the social agents. If we really want the legal estimation to be more than an anecdote, what has been criticized in several occasions by the doctrine, it would be needed to include legal measures and effective policies about the working hours in order to facilitate its working.
Palabras clave
Desconexión digital
Tiempo de trabajo
Negociación colectiva
Digital disconnection
Working hours
Collective bargaining
Tiempo de trabajo
Negociación colectiva
Digital disconnection
Working hours
Collective bargaining
Serrano Argüeso, M. (2019). “Always on”: propuestas para la efectividad del derecho a la desconexión digital en el marco de la economía 4.0. Revista Internacional y Comparada de Relaciones Laborales y Derecho del Empleo, 7(2), 164-191.