Examinando por Autor "Merino, Laura"
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Ítem Custody and child symptomatology in high conflict divorce: an analysis of latent profiles(Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos del Principado de Asturias, 2021) Martínez Pampliega, Ana; Herrero Lázaro, Marta; Cormenzana, Susana; Corral, Susana; Sanz, Mireia; Merino, Laura; Iriarte Elejalde, Leire; Ochoa de Alda, Íñigo; Alcañiz, Leire; Alvarez, IratiBackground: There is much controversy about the impact of joint physical custody on child symptomatology in the context of high interparental conflict. In this study we analyzed child symptomatology with person-centered methodology, identifying differential profiles, considering post-divorce custody, parental symptomatology, and coparenting variables. We examined the association between these profiles and child symptomatology, as well as the mediating role of parenting in that association. Method: The participants were 303 divorced or separated Spanish parents with high interparental conflict. We used the study of latent profiles and the INDIRECT procedure in Mplus. We also controlled for the variables age and number of children, new partners, frequency of the relationship with the ex-partner, time elapsed since the divorce, and gender of the parent. Results: From the parents´ perspective, the profile characterized by low parental symptomatology and high coparenting, regardless of the type of custody, was related to children exhibiting less somatic, anxious, and depressive symptomatology, and aggressive behavior. The mediating role of parenting was also identified. Conclusions: Parental symptomatology, coparenting, and parenting are essential for understanding post-divorce child symptomatology and the study highlights importance of person-centered multidimensional models.Ítem Development and psychometric properties of a new observational coding system for sibling interactions(Routledge, 2022) Merino, Laura; Martínez Pampliega, AnaThe main aim of this study is to build a new observational coding system for sibling interactions (Sistema de Codificación de Interacciones entre Hermanos–SCIH) and to analyze its psychometric properties and validity. First, this study offers the first Spanish adaptation of a self-report questionnaire to measure sibling relationships that replicate the original structure of the SRQ in a sample of 469 children and adolescents. Then, the study focused on the development of the SCIH, which analyzes siblings’ relationships by means of a system of live observation and it examined five dimensions: Warmth, Conflict, Dominance, Aggression, and Support in a sample of 50 pairs of siblings. The main contribution of this study is the description of the development of a new observational coding system for siblings and the confirmation of its inter-rater reliability. Limitations and future lines are discussed.Ítem Differential impact of parental practices and parental emotional clarity on child symptoms in single-child vs. multiple-child divorced families(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024-12) Merino, Laura; Martínez Pampliega, Ana; Herrero Lázaro, MartaObjective: The main objective of this study was to analyze the differences in parental emotional clarity and parental practices among families with a single child and families with more than one child, and their relationship with the children’s internalizing and externalizing symptomatology, specifically, anxiety–depression and aggressive behavior in a conflictive divorce context. Methods: The participants were 247 Spanish divorced parents. In total, 62% of the participants reported being the parents of one child and 38% of two children. All participants answered questionnaires that measured the variables investigated in this study. Results: The results supported the working hypothesis that families with more than one child present with less emotional clarity, which, concatenated with critical and rigid parental guidelines, is associated with children’s greater presence of anxious–depressive and aggressive symptoms. Conclusions: Families with more than one child have less positive parental guidelines and so their children express more symptoms.Ítem Impacto de los contextos de adversidad familiar en la adaptación de los/as hijos/as(Universidad de Deusto, 2014-12-12) Merino, Laura; Martínez Pampliega, Ana; Facultad de Psicología y Educación; Psicología clínica y de la saludEl presente trabajo analiza el papel que desempeñan las relaciones fraternales en el impacto que suponen los contextos de adversidad familiar en la adaptación de los hijos e hijas, desde las perspectivas de la generalización y de la compensación. Por un lado, se describen los procesos más significativos presentes en las relaciones entre hermanos/as, además del impacto de las variables personales como temperamento, sexo y edad. Por otro lado, se llevan a cabo cuatro estudios empíricos para analizar estos procesos. En primer lugar, el Estudio 1analiza la relación del funcionamiento familiar en la adaptación de los hijos/as, teniendo en cuenta la influencia moderadora de la calidad de la relación entre hermanos/as y tomando como referencia la perspectiva de los padres, tanto en un grupo clínico como de un grupo de contraste. En segundo lugar, el Estudio 2 consiste en la adaptación española de dos instrumentos utilizados (Escala de Conflicto Interparental desde la Perspectiva de los/as hijos/as ¿ CPIC infantil y Cuestionario de Relaciones Fraternales-SRQ), puesto que a nivel internacional han demostrado tener buenas cualidades psicométricas y, sin embargo, carecen de una adaptación a nuestra cultura. En tercer lugar, en el Estudio 3 se expone la construcción de un Sistema de Codificación de Interacciones entre Hermanos (SCIH), así como su validez y congruencia. Y, en cuarto lugar, el Estudio 4 tiene como objetivo principal analizar el papel de las relaciones fraternales en el impacto del conflicto interparental en la adaptación de los/as hijos/as, teniendo en cuenta la influencia de las relaciones parentofiliales y del sexo, temperamento y edad, a través de una evaluación con medidas de autoinforme y observacionales. Por último, se presentan las conclusiones, destacando que unas relaciones fraternales de cuidado y apoyo suponen un efecto amortiguador ante situaciones de pérdida de seguridad en el sistema familiar, pero sin obviar el coste que supone la generalización de las condiciones de adversidad familiar a las propias relaciones fraternales y, en consecuencia, a la adaptación de los/as hijos/as. Finalmente, se exponen las limitaciones del estudio y la propuesta de líneas de investigación futura.Ítem Is the Egokitzen post-divorce intervention program effective in the community context?(Elsevier Ltd, 2021-10) Martínez Pampliega, Ana; Herrero Lázaro, Marta; Sanz, Mireia; Corral, Susana; Cormenzana, Susana; Merino, Laura; Iriarte Elejalde, Leire; Ochoa de Alda, Íñigo; Alcañiz, Leire; Alvarez, IratiBackground: Evidence-based postdivorce intervention programs, aimed at promoting childreńs psychological adjustment, are scarce internationally. In Spain, the Egokitzen program has been established its effectiveness in the context of a university laboratory, but there is no evidence of its effectiveness when implemented from a community context. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of the Egokitzen program in the perception of externalizing and internalizing child symptomatology, when delivered by community-based agencies. Method: 372 parents with children under the age of 12 participated in a quasi-experimental pre-post intervention approach with a wait-list comparison group and two follow-up measures at 6 and 12 months. 270 were part of the experimental group (EG) and 112 of the control group (CG). The postdivorce intervention consisted of the Egokitzen program. The following variables were measured through the information provided by the parents: childhood symptomatology (somatization, aggressiveness, anxiety/depression; Child Behavior Checklist, CBCL), parental mental health symptomatology (anxiety, depression, and interpersonal sensitivity; Symptoms Checklist SCL-90), and parenting (inductive, indulgent, and rigid styles; Scale of Rules and Demands. Parents's versión, ENE-P). Results: The intervention program had an indirect effect on childhood symptomatology and a direct effect on parental symptomatology and parenting. The mediating role of parental symptomatology on childhood symptomatology was confirmed through the direct effect of the program on parental symptomatology. Despite the effect on parental patterns, they did not play a mediating role in childhood symptomatology. Conclusions: The Egokitzen program seems to be effective in the community context and, according to the parents, could reduce their children's symptomatology indirectly through the reduction of parental symptomatology. At longitudinal level, in the intervention group, it is observed that the results obtained after participation in the Egokitzen program were maintained and even increased at 6 and 12 months.Ítem Transnational links and family functioning in reunited Latin American families: premigration variables’ impact(American Psychological Association, 2020) Peñas, Silvia; Herrero Fernández, David; Merino, Laura; Corral, Susana; Martínez Pampliega, AnaObjectives: Transnational ties refer to the affective, communicative, and economic relationships that migrant families build between the societies of origin and destination. Investigations of such ties are very scarce. In the present study, focused on Latin American migrant women, transnational ties are considered a protective factor of family functioning, conditioned by premigratory variables. The working hypothesis is that increased frequency of reunited mothers’ communication with and remittances to their children during the period of separation prior to the reunion will be linked to better communication, cohesion, flexibility, satisfaction, and family resources, according to the reunited mothers’ perception. Method: The sample consisted of 81 mothers of Latin American reunited families. Most of them (61.7%) have 2 or 3 children and 75.3% have already reunited all of their children in Bizkaia. The frequency of communication between family members in the societies of origin and destination and the frequency of remittances were the transnational variables. To observe family functioning, we used the Circumplex Model. A mediation model was tested through structural equation modeling. Results: The results of the study confirmed the mediator role of the transnational variables, especially the frequency of transnational communications, partially or fully moderating the impact of the premigratory variables, and positively associated with family functioning, in terms of greater cohesion, flexibility, communication, satisfaction, and perception of resources. Conclusions: This study has highlighted the role of these ties, which lead to more functional family dynamics. It is necessary to promote new forms of transnational communication that favor subsequent family reunification. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved)