Examinando por Autor "Aramburu Goya, Nekane"
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Ítem Boosting innovativeness in organic farming: the role of external relational capital(Emerald Publishing, 2024-01-02) Sáenz Martínez, Josune; Alcalde Heras, Henar; Aramburu Goya, Nekane; Buenechea Elberdin, MartaPurpose: Following the contextual approach to intellectual capital, this study analyzed the specific types of external relational capital that foster product/service, process and managerial innovativeness in organic farming as key drivers of sustainable food production. Design/methodology/approach: Survey data from 358 organically certified Spanish farmers were analyzed using structural equation modeling based on partial least squares. A total of three models, one for each type of innovativeness, were developed to analyze the impact of external relational capital. These models took into account four specific types of relational capital: vertical relationships, horizontal relationships, relationships with government institutions and relationships with knowledge-intensive institutions. Findings: Although relational capital and innovativeness are clearly underdeveloped, knowledge generated through and embedded in external relationships plays a substantial role in promoting innovativeness in organic farming. Moreover, depending on the type of innovation to be developed, the type of external relational capital that is relevant differs. Practical implications: This study's findings indicate that organic farmers prioritize process innovation over product/service and managerial innovation. For the latter categories, building relationships with customers, consumers and government institutions is key. Policymakers should encourage farmer-engaging socialization spaces that emphasize family farms and their knowledge contribution. Originality/value: Past studies have examined the overall degree of association between external relational capital and innovation, often overlooking the nuances of contextual factors. In contrast, this research delves into the unique contributions of knowledge sourced from various external relationships, focusing specifically on how these relationships influence different types of innovation within the specific context of organic farming.Ítem Does country environment matter in the relationship between intellectual capital and innovation performance?(Elsevier Inc., 2021-11) Andreeva, Tatiana; Garanina, Tatiana; Sáenz Martínez, Josune; Aramburu Goya, Nekane; Kianto, AinoThis paper examines how country environment shapes the relationship between firm intellectual capital and its innovation performance. Using survey data from 649 firms in Finland, Spain and Russia complemented by archival IMD World Competitiveness Ranking data, we find that when country environment is characterised by greater availability of skilled labour and a stronger appropriability regime, a firm's human and structural capital have a lower impact on its innovation performance. The effect of relational capital does not depend on these contextual variables. This study enriches the intellectual capital-based view of the firm by demonstrating that country-level factors moderate the performance effects of firm-level intellectual capital. It also adds to the strategic management literature by exploring the explanatory power of a combination of country-level variables and firm-level resources in understanding firm-level performance. Our findings can help practitioners focus on the elements of intellectual capital that have the greatest impact in their environment.Ítem Un estudio del aprendizaje organizativo desde la perspectiva del cambio(Universidad de Deusto, 2000-09-08) Aramburu Goya, Nekane; Rivera Hernáez, Olga; Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales; Economía y Dirección de Empresas (Gestión Financiera y Contabilidad)El proyecto de investigación que deriva en la tesis presentada nace como respuesta al interes suscitado en los ultimos años, tanto en el entorno academico como empresarial, por la problemática del aprendizaje en las organizaciones. El Aprendizaje Organizativo(Organizational Learning) constituye actualmente un objeto primordial de estudio para un amplio numero de investigadores y teoricos del ambito de la gestion empresarial. Aunque los primeros trabajos sobre el tema se remontan a los años sesenta, es a partir de finales de la decada de los ochenta cuando se produce una verdadera eclosión de investigaciones acerca del mismo. El estudio del Aprendizaje Organizativo a lo largo del tiempo se ajusta a una trayectoria irregular, y se caracteriza por su carácter poco sistematico y desestructurado. Asi, dicho estudio se aborda desde diversas perspectivas e implica el manejo de conceptos cuya utilización es confusa y ambigua, al atribuirse a los mismos diferentes significados. El campo de estudio del Aprendizaje Organizativo es, hoy por hoy, un campo cuyas fronteras y contenidos conceptuales no estan definitivamente acotados. La tesis presentada contribuye, precisamente, a la aclaración y ordenamiento del campo referido, al tratarse en la misma de identificar y clarificar los principales conceptos y contenidos teoricos implicados en el estudio del Aprendizaje Organizativo, asi como de los diversas perspectivas desde las que se aborda el mismo. Ello responde al primer objetivo perseguido en la investigacion realizada, que se concreto en la delimitación del campo de estudiodel Aprendizaje Organizativo( a esta cuestión se dedican los capitulos IV y V de la tesis). Por otra parte, en la tesis se analiza el modo en que se entiende el contenido de la tarea de gestion, bajo la óptica del Aprendizaje Organizativo. En concreto, se examinan en profundidad las implicaciones derivadas de la aplicación del concepto de Organización que AprendÍtem Technical knowledge acquisition modes and environmental sustainability in Spanish organic farms(Elsevier Ltd, 2024-07) Sáenz Martínez, Josune; Aramburu Goya, Nekane; Alcalde Heras, Henar; Buenechea Elberdin, MartaUnderstanding technical knowledge acquisition modes in organic farming (i.e., how organic farmers learn about the means and methods underpinning the practice of organic agriculture) and how such learning modes and subsequent knowledge affect environmental sustainability constitutes a necessary condition to develop a more sustainable type of agriculture. Using survey data from 358 organically certified Spanish farms, this paper analyzes the role of educational and research institutions, advisory organizations, and sectoral organizations when it comes to promoting different types of knowledge acquisition pathways among organic farmers, as well as the degree of effectiveness of such learning alternatives and the acquired technical knowledge vis-à-vis environmental sustainability. The results obtained show that sectoral organizations are the most relevant actor and that a balance is needed between social interaction-based and codification-grounded learning pathways to facilitate the acquisition of technical knowledge by organic farmers and thus contribute to environmental sustainability.