Examinando por Autor "Iruarrizaga, Itziar"
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Ítem Alcohol abuse and physical violence towards a partner: how can we attenuate the relationship?: a study on emotional dysregulation in adolescents(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024-10) Peñacoba Puente, Cecilia; Balandin, Alejandro; Estévez Gutiérrez, Ana; Olave, Leticia; Momeñe López, Janire; Chávez Vera, María Dolores; Muñiz Casado, José Antonio; Iruarrizaga, ItziarBackground: The previous literature has revealed the relationship between alcohol abuse and violent behaviours; however, the results are not always conclusive, highlighting the need to explore other variables that allow us to establish risk profiles. Aim: The goal is to examine whether the relation between alcohol abuse and physical violence towards a partner can be influenced (moderate) by difficulties in emotional regulation. Setting: A public high school in Manabí (Ecuador). Participants: A total of 1519 high school students with ages between 14 and 18 years (mean = 15.77, SD = 1.22), with 54% (n = 820) being male. Main Outcome Measures: The measures we observed were alcohol abuse (i.e., frequency of alcohol abuse in the past 30 days), physical violence exercised towards a partner (Violence Received, Exercised and Perceived in Dating Relationships of Young People and Adolescents) and emotional dysregulation (Difficulties in Emotional Regulation Scale; DERS). Results: It is observed that there exists significantly higher alcohol abuse in males, regardless of their age, as well as more physical violence by adolescent males towards their partners. Direct effects of alcohol abuse on physical intimate partner violence are observed in males from the age of 16 and in females from the age of 14. Moreover, the direct effects of different emotional dysregulation strategies on physical violence depend on gender. Conclusion: The moderating effects of emotional dysregulation strategies between alcohol abuse and physical intimate partner violence are observed only in the case of adolescent females (16–17 years). In particular, emotional dysregulation variables such as non-awareness, impulse, nonacceptance, or lack of strategies interfere as moderators in the relationship between excessive alcohol abuse and physical violence towards a partner. In the case of non-awareness, contrary to the other three, when scores are low or moderate, a statistically significant relationship between alcohol abuse and violence is observed.Ítem La dependencia emocional como factor mediador en la relación entre el apego y el uso de redes sociales en jóvenes(Sociedad Chilena de Psicología Clínica, 2024) Barbarias, Olatz; Jáuregui Bilbao, Paula; Etxaburu Azpeitia, Nerea; Iruarrizaga, Itziar; Olave, Leticia; Estévez Gutiérrez, Ana; Muñiz Casado, José AntonioAntecedentes: El uso de las redes sociales se ha desarrollado rápidamente y su uso en los últimos años está aumentado progresivamente, modificado nuestros hábitos y el modo de interacción y comunicación. El uso problemático de redes sociales ha sido relacionado positivamente con otras conductas adictivas, siendo especialmente significativa la dependencia emocional, al tiempo que ésta tiene relación con el apego recibido en la infancia. Objetivos: 1) conocer la correlación entre el apego, el uso de redes sociales y la dependencia emocional, 2) estudiar el rol predictivo de la dependencia emocional y el apego sobre el uso de redes sociales, 3) analizar el papel de la dependencia emocional en la relación entre el apego y el uso de redes sociales en jóvenes, y 4) valorar si existen diferencias de sexo. Método: La muestra estuvo compuesta por 713 participantes (132 hombres y 581 mujeres) de entre 18 y 35 años de edad (M=21.27; SD: 3.34). Resultados: Los resultados mostraron que el estilo de apego y la dependencia emocional predicen el uso de redes sociales. Además, la dependencia emocional media en la relación entre el apego y el uso de redes sociales. Conclusiones: Los resultados de este estudio son novedosos y aportan valor clínico.Ítem Exercise addiction and intimate partner violence: the role of impulsivity, self-esteem, and emotional dependence(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024-05) Olave, Leticia; Iruarrizaga, Itziar; Herrero Lázaro, Marta; Macía Guerrero, Patricia; Momeñe López, Janire; Macía Guerrero, Laura; Muñiz Casado, José Antonio; Estévez Gutiérrez, AnaGiven the scarcity of studies linking exercise addiction to intimate partner violence, the present study aims to analyze the relationship between these variables and examine the potential mediating roles of emotional dependence, impulsivity, and self-esteem. This is a non-experimental, cross-sectional correlational design study. The sample comprised 887 university students (86% women, mean age 20.82 years, SD = 3.63). Elevated levels of exercise addiction were associated with increased impulsivity, emotional dependence, and exerted violence, as well as decreased self-esteem and perceived violence. Mediation models were tested, explaining 7% of the variance in received violence, 13% of the variance in exerted violence, and 6% of the variance in perceived violence. Higher levels of exercise addiction were linked to increased received and exerted violence and decreased perceived violence, attributed to the positive impact of exercise addiction on emotional dependence. This study highlights the mediating roles of self-esteem and impulsivity in the relationship between exercise addiction and partner violence. Identifying risk or vulnerability factors such as emotional dependence, impulsivity, and self-esteem related to exercise addiction and interpersonal partner violence is especially relevant for designing and implementing preventive interventions in the general young population.Ítem Exploring exercise addiction, self-esteem, and early maladaptive schemas: a cross-sectional study among female university students(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2025-02) Olave, Leticia; Iruarrizaga, Itziar; Macía Guerrero, Patricia; Momeñe López, Janire; Estévez Gutiérrez, Ana; Muñiz Casado, José Antonio; Peñacoba Puente, CeciliaBackground/Objectives: Although physical exercise provides numerous health benefits, it can occasionally become addictive, leading to negative consequences for physical and mental health. Specifically, the role of maladaptive schemas in the relationship between exercise addiction and self-esteem underscores the importance of addressing these cognitive patterns in therapeutic settings to develop practical interventions that enhance exercise with healthier self-perceptions. This study aims to analyze the role of early maladaptive schemas in the relationship between exercise addiction and self-esteem. Methods: The design of this study is non-experimental, correlational, and cross-sectional. The sample comprised 788 university women students (mean age 20.39 years, SD = 2.28). Results: Exercise addiction is negatively associated with self-esteem and shows positive but weak correlations with most early maladaptive schemas, except for Impaired Autonomy. A mediating effect was identified for Disconnection and Rejection (β = −0.08, p = 0.008), Impaired Limits (β = −0.03, p = 0.019), Other Directedness (β = −0.04, p = 0.032), and Over-Vigilance and Inhibition (β = −0.05, p < 0.001). Full mediation was observed for Disconnection and Rejection and Over-Vigilance and Inhibition, while Impaired Limits and Other Directedness showed partial mediation. Conclusions: These findings suggest that the decrease in self-esteem among individuals with exercise addiction could be explained by the activation of maladaptive schemas that influence exercise motivation, with Over-Vigilance and Inhibition standing out in particular. Furthermore, it is necessary to develop cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)-based interventions focused on modifying early maladaptive schemas and strengthening self-esteem. Additionally, it would be advisable to implement educational programs in university and sports settings that promote well-being and enjoyment over the pursuit of external validation or obsession with body image. These strategies could help prevent exercise addiction and mitigate its negative effects on self-esteem.Ítem The impact of insecure attachment on emotional dependence on a partner: the mediating role of negative emotional rejection(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024-10) Momeñe López, Janire; Estévez Gutiérrez, Ana; Griffiths, Mark D.; Macía Guerrero, Patricia; Herrero Lázaro, Marta; Olave, Leticia ; Iruarrizaga, ItziarPrevious evidence has demonstrated a relationship between insecure attachment and the development of emotional dependence towards an individual’s partner. However, the possibility that this relationship may be indirect and mediated by individual factors such as difficulties in emotional regulation has not previously been explored. Consequently, the objectives of the present study were to analyze the (i) differences in emotional dependence on an individual’s partner and difficulties in emotional regulation capacity according to secure, preoccupied or dismissing attachment style and (ii) mediating role of difficulties in emotional regulation in the relationship between both insecure attachment styles and emotional dependence on an individual’s partner. The sample comprised 741 participants ranging in age from 18 to 30 years (M = 21.32, SD = 2.93). The mediations were tested with linear regressions with the macro PROCESS v4.0. The results showed that emotional dependence on a partner and difficulties in emotional regulation were greater among individuals who had developed a dismissing attachment compared those with secure or preoccupied attachment. Likewise, the mediation model confirmed the mediating role of difficulties in the capacity for emotional regulation in the relationship between dismissing attachment and emotional dependence, with rejection of negative or discomfort-generating emotions predominating. The findings provide preliminary evidence that rejection of negative emotional experiences may play an important role in the relationship between insecure dismissing attachment style and emotional dependence on an individual’s partner. Consequently, it is recommended that emotional dependence intervention programs include of the management of intolerance to negative emotions.Ítem The mediating effect of coping strategies and emotion regulation in the relationship between impulsivity, metacognition, and eating disorders(2024-06) Estévez Gutiérrez, Ana; Momeñe López, Janire; Macía Guerrero, Laura; Iruarrizaga, Itziar; Olave, Leticia; Aonso Diego, GemaBACKGROUND: Risk factors for eating disorders are multifaceted and complex, so it is crucial to elucidate the role of executive functions, including impulsivity and metacognition, and coping strategies in the severity of eating behaviors. The study aims were threefold: (1) to analyze gender differences in impulsivity, metacognition, coping strategies, emotion regulation, and eating disorders; (2) to examine the correlation between the study variables; and (3) to test the mediating role of coping and emotion-regulation strategies in the relationship between metacognition, impulsivity, and eating disorders. METHODS: A total of 1076 participants (Mage = 21.78, SD = 5.10; 77.7% women) completed a set of questionnaires. Two mediation analyses were conducted to test the mediating role of coping strategies, including emotion regulation, in the relationship between executive functions (i.e., impulsivity and metacognition) and eating disorders. RESULTS: Women displayed higher coping strategies, specifically emotional expression, wishful thinking, and social support, whereas men presented greater social withdrawal. Mediational analyses showed a significant association between impulsivity, metacognition, and eating disorders, whose relationship was partially mediated by coping strategies and mainly by emotion regulation. CONCLUSION: Interventions based on coping strategies and emotion regulation could be a feasible and effective option to deal with eating disorders among the young population.Ítem Substance use and its relationship with attachment and early maladaptive schemes in adolescents in Ecuador(John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2024-09) Olave, Leticia; Momeñe López, Janire; Macía Guerrero, Laura; Macía Guerrero, Patricia; Chávez Vera, María Dolores; Herrero Lázaro, Marta; Estévez Gutiérrez, Ana; Iruarrizaga, ItziarGiven the scarcity of studies addressing substance consumption and its relationship with attachment styles and early maladaptive schemas in adolescents, the present study is proposed. Aims of this study are to analyze the relationship among attachment styles, early maladaptive schemas, and substance use; test the predictive role of attachment styles on substance use; and observe the mediating role of early maladaptive schemas in the relationship between attachment and substance use. The sample consisted of 1533 adolescents from Ecuador (53.9% males) aged between 14 and 18 years (M = 15.76; SD = 1.25). The attachment styles of security, value to parental authority, parental permissiveness, parental interference, self-sufficiency and resentment against parents, childhood trauma, and family concern predict substance use (tobacco, alcohol, tranquilizers/sedatives or sleeping pills, hashish or marijuana, cocaine, GHB or liquid ecstasy, ecstasy, amphetamines/speed, hallucinogens, heroin, inhalants/volatiles), and the mediating role of early maladaptive schemas is confirmed (explained variance up to 33.33%). Identifying risk or vulnerability factors, such as attachment and early maladaptive schemas related to substance consumption, is especially relevant for designing and implementing preventive interventions in the adolescent population.