Examinando por Autor "Cormenzana, Susana"
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Ítem Custody and child symptomatology in high conflict divorce: an analysis of latent profiles(Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos del Principado de Asturias, 2021) Martínez Pampliega, Ana; Herrero Lázaro, Marta; Cormenzana, Susana; Corral, Susana; Sanz, Mireia; Merino, Laura; Iriarte Elejalde, Leire; Ochoa de Alda, Íñigo; Alcañiz, Leire; Alvarez, IratiBackground: There is much controversy about the impact of joint physical custody on child symptomatology in the context of high interparental conflict. In this study we analyzed child symptomatology with person-centered methodology, identifying differential profiles, considering post-divorce custody, parental symptomatology, and coparenting variables. We examined the association between these profiles and child symptomatology, as well as the mediating role of parenting in that association. Method: The participants were 303 divorced or separated Spanish parents with high interparental conflict. We used the study of latent profiles and the INDIRECT procedure in Mplus. We also controlled for the variables age and number of children, new partners, frequency of the relationship with the ex-partner, time elapsed since the divorce, and gender of the parent. Results: From the parents´ perspective, the profile characterized by low parental symptomatology and high coparenting, regardless of the type of custody, was related to children exhibiting less somatic, anxious, and depressive symptomatology, and aggressive behavior. The mediating role of parenting was also identified. Conclusions: Parental symptomatology, coparenting, and parenting are essential for understanding post-divorce child symptomatology and the study highlights importance of person-centered multidimensional models.Ítem The efficacy of postdivorce intervention programs for children: a meta-analytical review(John Wiley and Sons Inc., 2023-03) Herrero Lázaro, Marta; Roca, Patricia; Cormenzana, Susana; Martínez Pampliega, AnaPreventive postdivorce interventions aim to help children cope with divorce and promote their adjustment. Nevertheless, questions remain regarding the concrete outcomes of these interventions and the intervention characteristics that influence them. This meta-analysis of 30 studies analyzes the efficacy of postdivorce interventions on children's symptomatology, personal resources, and adaptation to divorce. Likewise, it explores whether the intervention impacts the putative mediators from the family context and whether the characteristics of the studies themselves also influence the results. Using a data set of N = 4344 individuals, 258 effect sizes were calculated. Random effects analyses evidenced the impact of the interventions on specific variables instead of on children's global adjustment. There were no significant effects on children's mental health outcomes, and none of these effects were qualified by the moderators that were examined. Preventive postdivorce interventions had significant effects, specifically on children's divorce adjustment and self-esteem. The study of the moderators found that the interventions were generally homogeneous, and only one of the 20 moderators examined had a significant effect. Based on children's age, the interventions had an impact on family functioning only when they involved younger children, but this result should be interpreted with caution due to the small sample of studies. This meta-analysis provides evidence of the relevance of postdivorce interventions to critical variables as well as information about the role of the intervention characteristics in the effects and makes suggestions for future research on divorce interventions that encompass both practical and empirical developments.Ítem Is the Egokitzen post-divorce intervention program effective in the community context?(Elsevier Ltd, 2021-10) Martínez Pampliega, Ana; Herrero Lázaro, Marta; Sanz, Mireia; Corral, Susana; Cormenzana, Susana; Merino, Laura; Iriarte Elejalde, Leire; Ochoa de Alda, Íñigo; Alcañiz, Leire; Alvarez, IratiBackground: Evidence-based postdivorce intervention programs, aimed at promoting childreńs psychological adjustment, are scarce internationally. In Spain, the Egokitzen program has been established its effectiveness in the context of a university laboratory, but there is no evidence of its effectiveness when implemented from a community context. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of the Egokitzen program in the perception of externalizing and internalizing child symptomatology, when delivered by community-based agencies. Method: 372 parents with children under the age of 12 participated in a quasi-experimental pre-post intervention approach with a wait-list comparison group and two follow-up measures at 6 and 12 months. 270 were part of the experimental group (EG) and 112 of the control group (CG). The postdivorce intervention consisted of the Egokitzen program. The following variables were measured through the information provided by the parents: childhood symptomatology (somatization, aggressiveness, anxiety/depression; Child Behavior Checklist, CBCL), parental mental health symptomatology (anxiety, depression, and interpersonal sensitivity; Symptoms Checklist SCL-90), and parenting (inductive, indulgent, and rigid styles; Scale of Rules and Demands. Parents's versión, ENE-P). Results: The intervention program had an indirect effect on childhood symptomatology and a direct effect on parental symptomatology and parenting. The mediating role of parental symptomatology on childhood symptomatology was confirmed through the direct effect of the program on parental symptomatology. Despite the effect on parental patterns, they did not play a mediating role in childhood symptomatology. Conclusions: The Egokitzen program seems to be effective in the community context and, according to the parents, could reduce their children's symptomatology indirectly through the reduction of parental symptomatology. At longitudinal level, in the intervention group, it is observed that the results obtained after participation in the Egokitzen program were maintained and even increased at 6 and 12 months.Ítem Marital functioning and treatment outcome in couples undergoing assisted reproduction(Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2019-02) Martínez Pampliega, Ana; Cormenzana, Susana; Martín, Sagrario; Navarro Aresti, LucíaAim: To investigate the relationship between the quality of marital functioning and communication, individual psychological symptomatology, and pregnancy achievement in couples undergoing assisted reproduction. Background: The results concerning marital functioning and the feasibility of pregnancy yield contradictory outcomes and the quality of the relationship of the couple undergoing assisted reproduction has not been analysed from systemic models. Our hypothesis is that when undergoing assisted reproduction treatment (ART), the couple's functioning and communication will be related to the pregnancy rate. Design: This study employs a cross-sectional design with couples receiving ART. Methods: Spanish heterosexual couples (N = 185) completed the self-report instruments. The data were collected from 2010 - 2015. All the couples completed at least one treatment process, or at least 1 year had gone by since beginning the treatment. Results: The association between couple relationship quality and the individual psychological symptomatology experienced during the assisted reproduction process was confirmed in men and women. Although both members of the couple experienced an increase of symptomatology, only men's symptomatology was statistically significantly linked to pregnancy achievement. Conclusion: It is necessary to support the couple from the assisted reproduction centres, promoting cohesion, flexibility, and communication in the relationship. The intervention process should also be understood from a systemic perspective; that is, considering dyadic transactions as a systemic unit. Two aspects seem to be especially relevant for clinical nurses in ART: (a) the man's role is crucial for treatment success; (b) the woman's communication is crucial to the process.Ítem Psychometrics of the SCL-90-R and development and testing of brief versions SCL-45 and SCL-9 in infertile couples(Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2019-07) Martínez Pampliega, Ana; Herrero Fernández, David; Martín, Sagrario; Cormenzana, SusanaBackground Although infertile couples are mentally healthy, dealing with infertility and assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatment is usually associated with psychological distress. It would therefore be useful to have short, multidimensional instruments to be able to identify people who present more intense emotional reactions and follow up their emotional distress throughout the ART. Objectives The goals of the study were to analyze the psychometric adequacy of the original 90-item version of the Symptom Checklist (SCL-90) in a sample of Spanish women and their partners undergoing ART, as well as to develop and analyze two brief versions of the SCL-90, given the absence of adequate short versions for this population. Methods A cross-sectional design for patients and their partners in the process of ART through in vitro fertilization was used. The two brief scales were obtained, which took into account the levels of variance explained by the items and confirmatory factor analysis. Results Two brief instruments were developed. The first, with 45 items (SCL-45-I Infertility), includes nine subdimensions: Somatization, Interpersonal Sensitivity, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Depression, Anxiety, Hostility, Paranoid Ideation, Phobic Anxiety, and Psychoticism. The second instrument contains nine items (SCL-9-I or Global Severity Index [GSI]), one item for each dimension. Both instruments were psychometrically adequate (SCL-45-I: χ2/df = 7.24, RMSEA =.057, 95% CI [.056,.059], CFI =.97, NNFI =.97, SRMR =.049; SCL-9-I: χ2/df = 9.66, RMSEA =.068, 95% CI [.061,.076], CFI =.97, NNFI =.96, SRMR =.035). Measurement invariance analysis by gender was conducted, and the instruments were shown to be suitable for both men and women. Discussion The suitability of the SCL-90-R for use in ART was verified, and two valid instruments - useful and easy to use for nurses, psychologists, and other care providers - were developed.Ítem Vivencia cognitiva y emocional del conflicto interparental y su impacto en el bienestar del adolescente(Universidad de Deusto, 2015-03-06) Cormenzana, Susana; Martínez Pampliega, Ana; Facultad de Psicología y Educación; Psicología clínica y de la saludInvestigación contemporánea resalta la relevancia del estudio de aquellos factores vinculados al funcionamiento ajustado del hijo adolescente, y en particular, la necesidad de identificación y comprensión de aquellas variables que intervienen en la relación e impacto del conflicto interparental sobre el desempeño y bienestar de los hijos. La presente tesis doctoral pretende contribuir a esta línea de estudio, a través de la formulación y análisis de un nuevo modelo explicativo que recoge componentes emocionales del funcionamiento personal del hijo adolescente como mecanismos mediadores de la relación entre el conflicto dentro del subsistema interparental, los estilos de crianza como indicador de las relaciones filioparentales y la sintomatología en el hijo adolescente. El marco teórico de base del presente modelo se establece desde dos aproximaciones teóricas: El Modelo Cognitivo-Contextual (Grych & Fincham , 1990) y la Teoría de la Seguridad Emocional (Davies & Cummings, 1994). Esta investigación presenta un diseño transversal dirigido a población adolescente y se divide en tres fases de orden secuencial. En primer lugar, y tras la carencia detectada de instrumentos de medida de crianza diseñados y validados en contexto nacional, se diseña y valida una nueva propuesta de cuestionario de crianza desde la perspectiva del hijo (Cuestionario de Competencias Parentales. CCP). Para el estudio de sus propiedades psicométricas, se llevan a cabo cuatro estudios independientes: dos siguiendo la técnica Delphi y dos estudios empíricos. Los resultados de este conjunto de investigaciones arrojan validez y adecuación del nuevo instrumento. En la segunda Fase del estudio, se procede al análisis de la bondad métrica del conjunto de instrumentos aplicados en la fase 3 que carecían de una versión adaptada para población adolescente española: Escala de Dificultades en la Regulación de las Emociones (Gratz & Roener, 2004), Cuestionario de estilos de humor (HSQ; Martin, Puhlik-Doris, Larse, Gray, & Weir, 2003) y la Escala de Seguridad Emocional en el Sistema Familiar (SIFS; Forman & Davies, 2002). Los resultados permiten respaldar la validez de constructo (análisis factoriales confirmatorios), la validez concurrente (correlaciones con medidas afines) y la fiabilidad. Por último, en la tercera fase del estudio, se procede al análisis del modelo mediacional referente a la propuesta conceptual formulada. Los resultados parecen indicar que este nuevo modelo estructural refleja no sólo el efecto directo de aspectos intrapersonales de carácter emocional en el ajuste del hijo, sino también su relación conjunta con variables familiares como los estilos de crianza y el conflicto, lo cual respalda la significatividad del contexto y la situación concreta a la hora de evaluar aspectos emocionales . En resumen, el presente estudio supone el primer respaldo a un modelo que trata de ayudar a avanzar la investigación en el área del funcionamiento familiar en general y del conflicto interparental en particular. Para ello, se incorporan variables de carácter intrapersonal referentes a la vivencia emocional de las relaciones familiares y vinculadas a aspectos más estables del manejo de las experiencias emocionales en contextos cotidianos del individuo. Estos resultados prometedores apoyan la continuidad de esta nueva línea de investigación que apenas acaba de comenzar.