Examinando por Autor "Arrona Etxaniz, Ainhoa"
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Ítem Action research environments: challenges for their initiation and sustainability(Springer, 2024-12) Larrea Aranguren, Miren; Finnestrand, Hanne; Aranguren, Mari Jose; Arrona Etxaniz, Ainhoa; Canto Farachala, Martha Patricia; Costamagna, Pablo; Estensoro García, MirenÍtem A place-based approach in collaborative governance(Instituto Internacional de Sociología Jurídica de Oñati = The Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law, 2024) Larrea Aranguren, Miren; Arrona Etxaniz, Ainhoa; Barandiarán Irastorza, XabierCollaborative governance is a broad concept that includes many forms of collaborative arrangements among various actors that differ in their nature, objectives, and types of interactions. This article empirically illustrates how, despite being understudied in the literature on collaborative governance, the “place” dimension (used here to refer to territory as a collective subject) can serve as a backbone that provides a distinctive logic and dynamic, bringing about a specific collaborative governance model — one that is especially relevant in the context of collaborative initiatives by regional governments. We describe a series of necessary features for place-based dynamics to emerge. The article seeks to share a conceptual framework that distinguishes between government-centred and place-based approaches to collaborative governance which can be used as a reflective tool for facilitators of collaborative governance. The framework relies on two empirical cases employed to illustrate its application.Ítem Research and multi-actor collaboration in territorial development policymaking(Universidad de Deusto, 2018-11-21) Arrona Etxaniz, Ainhoa; Wilson, James Ralph; Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas; Derechos Humanos: Retos Éticos, Sociales y PolíticosThe aim of this publication-based thesis is to advance knowledge in territorial development policymaking, specially looking at the role of multi-actor collaboration and the role of research in these processes. The thesis draws on policy sciences and governance studies to complement insights provided by regional development and innovation studies, in order to provide a better understanding of: the nature of the policy process, policy problems and the policy world; governance and multi-actor collaboration in policymaking for territorial development; and the functions that research can play in such processes. The conceptual work is further developed through four co-authored articles that delve on to the research-policy dynamics and on the role of governments and public organisations in multi-actor collaborative processes, both conceptually (Article 1) and empirically, analysing two cases of collaboration-based governance for territorial development in the Basque Country: Gipuzkoa Sarean – Etorkizuna Eraikiz Territorial Development Lab and Bizkaia Orekan (Articles 2, 3 and 4).