Examinando por Autor "Alcaraz Serrano, Victoria"
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Ítem Exacerbations and changes in physical activity and sedentary behaviour in patients with bronchiectasis after 1 year(MDPI, 2021-03-02) Alcaraz Serrano, Victoria; Arbillaga Etxarri, Ane; Oscanoa, Patricia; Fernández Barat, Laia; Bueno, Leticia; Amaro, Rosanel; Gimeno Santos, Elena; Torres, AntoniBackground: Low physical activity and high sedentary behaviour in patients with bron-chiectasis are associated with hospitalisation over one year. However, the factors associated with longitudinal changes in physical activity and sedentary behaviour have not been explored. We aimed to identify clinical and sociodemographic characteristics related to a change in physical activity and sedentary behaviour in patients with bronchiectasis after one year. Methods: This was a prospective observational study during which physical activity measurements were recorded using a SenseWear Armband for one week at baseline and at one year. At each assessment point, patients were classified as active or inactive (measured as steps per day) and as sedentary or not sedentary (measured as sedentary time). Results: 53 patients with bronchiectasis were analysed, and after one year, 18 (34%) had worse activity and sedentary levels. Specifically, 10 patients be-came inactive and sedentary. Multivariable analysis showed that the number of exacerbations during the follow-up period was the only outcome independently associated with change to higher inactivity and sedentary behaviour (odds ratio (OR), 2.19; 95% CI, 1.12 to 4.28). Conclusions: The number of exacerbations in patients with bronchiectasis was associated with changes in physical activity and sedentary behaviour. Exacerbation prevention may appear as a key factor in relation to physical activity and sedentary behaviour in patients with bronchiectasis.Ítem Fisioterapia respiratoria post-COVID-19: algoritmo de decisión terapéutica(Elsevier Espana S.L.U, 2022-01) Arbillaga Etxarri, Ane; Lista Paz, Ana; Alcaraz Serrano, Victoria; Escudero Romero, Raúl; Herrero Cortina, Beatriz; Balañá, Ana; Sebio, Raquel; Vilaró, Jordi; Gimeno Santos, ElenaLa pandemia causada por la enfermedad de la COVID-19 ha supuesto un gran reto para los profesionalesdel sistema sociosanitario, intensificándose con el manejo y atención de las manifestaciones clínicas quepotencialmente pueden presentarse de manera persistente en las personas que han superado la enferme-dad. Para ello, la fisioterapia respiratoria se presenta como piedra angular dentro del modelo de abordajeinterdisciplinar que requiere esta población. Dado que la implementación de esta opción terapéuticacontinúa siendo limitada en Espa˜na, es imprescindible realizar una evaluación integral y exhaustiva de lapersona que nos permita establecer criterios de selección a fin de optimizar el uso de los recursos huma-nos y materiales existentes. Para ello, se propone un algoritmo de decisión terapéutica basado en pruebasde evaluación validadas y objetivas de las posibles manifestaciones clínicas del paciente. La aplicación deeste algoritmo, en cualquier nivel asistencial (atención especializada y atención primaria/comunitaria)junto con la atención centrada en la persona, el impulso del uso de los espacios comunitarios verdes yazules de las ciudades y un adecuado uso de las tecnologías de la comunicación y la información, nospermitirá optimizar el modelo de atención de fisioterapia respiratoria en el contexto actual, marcado porla COVID-19.