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Josefina Manresa y la construcción del discurso subalterno en Recuerdos de la viuda de Miguel Hernández y en Los días de la nieve, de Alberto Conejero
(California State University, 2024) Soguero García, Francisco Miguel
Factores mentalizadores, apego y sintomatología inter / externalizante en la preadolescencia
(Universidad de Deusto, 2021-05-21) Onaindia, Jaione; Estévez Gutiérrez, Ana; Iraurgi Castillo, Ioseba
La preadolescencia es un periodo repleto de nuevas experiencias que, aunque aparentemente discretas, conllevan una importante y necesaria reorganización del psiquismo de cara al desarrollo de la personalidad que tendrá su repercusión más inmediata en la adolescencia consecutiva y la capacidad para afrontarla (Lasa-Zulueta, 2016). Por ello, la presencia de sintomatología en esta etapa, interfiere en el desarrollo y aumenta el riesgo de que la problemática persista en el tiempo. Un mayor conocimiento de los factores personales que intervienen en la sintomatología inter y externalizante de la preadolescencia, permitiría una detección e intervención precoces que pudieran mitigar el impacto a largo plazo, cuidando así no sólo del menor de hoy, sino también del adulto de mañana. En este sentido, se plantea un constructo en auge e integrador como es la mentalización como posible factor personal a evaluar. La mentalización se desarrolla primeramente a través del apego, englobando diversas habilidades psicológicas dedicadas a explicar y predecir el comportamiento propio y ajeno mediante la atribución al sujeto de determinados estados mentales que den sentido a la conducta, posibilitando darle sentido a lo que ocurre para poder actuar en consecuencia. Por tanto, la presente tesis tiene como objetivo analizar la relación entre la sintomatología, el apego y los factores mentalizadores en la preadolescencia. Por otro lado, considerando que la sintomatología se presenta de forma diferencial en función de la lengua y la necesidad de que el terapeuta se adecúe a las necesidades lingüísticas del paciente se han realizado adaptaciones de los instrumentos de medida al euskera.
Development and application of a multi-objective tool for thermal design of heat exchangers using neural networks
(MDPI AG, 2021-05) Andrés Honrubia, José Luís de; Gaviria de la Puerta, José; Cortés Martínez, Fernando; Aguirre Larracoechea, Urko; Goti Elordi, Aitor; Retolaza, Jone
This paper presents the design of a multi-objective tool for sizing shell and tube heat exchangers (STHX), developed under a University/Industry collaboration. This work aims to show the feasibility of implementing artificial intelligence tools during the design of Heat Exchangers in industry. The design of STHX optimisation tools using artificial intelligence algorithms is a visited topic in the literature, nevertheless, the degree of implementation of this concept is uncommon in industrial companies. Thus, the challenge of this research consists of the development of a tool for the design of STHX using artificial intelligence algorithms that can be used by industrial companies. The approach is implemented using a simulated dataset contrasted with ARA TT, the company taking part in the project. The given dataset to develop a theoretical STHX calculator was modeled using MATLAB. This dataset was used to train seven neural networks (NNs). Three of them were mono-objective, one per objective to predict, and four were multi-objective. The last multi-objective NN was used to develop an inverse neural network (INN), which is used to find the optimal configuration of the STHXs. In this specific case, three design parameters, the pressure drop on the shell side, the pressure drop on the tube side and heat transfer rate, were jointly and successfully optimised. As a conclusion, this work proves that the developed tool is valid in both terms of effectiveness and user-friendliness for companies like ARA TT to improve their business activity.
General homogenised formulation for thick viscoelastic layered structures for finite element applications
(MDPI AG, 2020-05) Zarraga Rio, Ondiz; Sarría, Imanol; García Barruetabeña, Jon; Elejabarrieta Olabarri, María Jesús; Cortés Martínez, Fernando
Viscoelastic layered surface treatments are widely used for passive control of vibration and noise, especially in passenger vehicles and buildings. When the viscoelastic layer is thick, the structural models must account for shear effects. In this work, a homogenised formulation for thick N-layered viscoelastic structures for finite element applications is presented, which allows for avoiding computationally expensive models based on solids. This is achieved by substituting the flexural stiffness in the governing thin beam or plate equation by a frequency dependent equivalent flexural stiffness that takes shear and the properties of the different layers into account. The formulation is applied to Free Layer Damping (FLD) and Constrained Layer Damping (CLD) beams and plates and its ability to accurately compute the eigenpairs and dynamic response is tested by implementing it in a finite element model and comparing the obtained results to those given by the standard for the application-Oberst for the FLD case and RKU for the CLD one-and to a solid model, which is used as reference. For the cases studied, the homogenised formulation is nearly as precise as the model based on solids, but requires less computational effort, and provides better results than the standard model.
Language performance and brain volumes, asymmetry, and cortical thickness in children born extremely preterm
(Springer Nature, 2024-03) Kvanta, Hedvig; Bolk, Jenny; Broström, Lina; Nosko, Daniela; Fernández de Gamarra Oca, Lexuri; Padilla, Nelly; Ådén, Ulrika
Background: Children born preterm are more prone to have language difficulties. Few studies focus on children born extremely preterm (EPT) and the structural differences in language-related regions between these children and children born at term. Methods: Our study used T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans to calculate the brain volumetry, brain asymmetry, and cortical thickness of language-related regions in 50 children born EPT and 37 term-born controls at 10 years of age. The language abilities of 41 of the children born EPT and 29 term-born controls were then assessed at 12 years of age, using the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fifth Edition and the Clinical Evaluations of Language Fundamentals, Fourth Edition. The differences between MRI parameters and their associations with language outcomes were compared in the two groups. Results: Brain volume and cortical thickness of language-related regions were reduced in children born EPT, but volumetric asymmetry was not different between children born EPT and at term. In children born EPT the brain volume was related to language outcomes, prior to adjustments for full-scale IQ. Conclusions: These findings expand our understanding of the structural correlates underlying impaired language performance in children born with EPT. Impact: The article expands understanding of the structure-function relationship between magnetic resonance imaging measurements of language-related regions and language outcomes for children born extremely preterm beyond infancy. Most literature to date has focused on very preterm children, but the focus in this paper is on extreme prematurity and language outcomes. While the brain volume and cortical thickness of language-related regions were reduced in children born EPT only the volume, prior to adjustment for full-scale IQ, was associated with language outcomes. We found no differences in volumetric asymmetry between children born EPT and at term.