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Adineko pertsonekin estrategia lagunkoiak garatzeko kosorkuntza eta koprodukzio-ekimenak aztertuz: Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko hiru hiriburuetatik ikasten
(Gobierno Vasco = Eusko Jaurlaritza, 2024-04) Zuñiga, Martín; Buffel, Tine; Arrieta, Felix
Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan gertatzen ari den zahartze-prozesuak bultzatuta, Pertsona Adinduekin Hiri eta Komunitate Lagunkoiak ekimena lehen-mailako erreferente politiko bihurtu da lurraldean zahartze-politikak garatzeko. Artikulu honek azterketa kualitatibo baten bitartez aztertzen du nola autonomia erkidegoko hiru hiriburuak adineko pertsonen aldeko estrategiak ezartzen ari diren, kosorkuntza- eta koprodukzio-prozesuei begira. Parte hartzeko prozesu horien garapenean gaur egun dituzten erronkak aztertzen ditu artikuluak. Gure ikerketak iradokitzen du inplikazio politikoak, beharrezkoa bada ere, ez duela zentzurik, baldin eta estrategia alderdi interesdun garrantzitsuenen lanean integratzen ez bada. Gainera, adinekoak gehiago errespetatzeko orduan komunitateek duten arrakasta, neurri handi batean, pertsona adinduak, gizarte-azterkeriari aurre egin behar diotenak barne, etorkizuneko ikerkuntzan eta politiketan funtsezko eragile gisa parte hartzen duten ala ez, adinekoak errespetatzen dituzten garapenen inguruan
Electrophysiological evidence for a Whorfian double dissociation of categorical perception across two languages
(John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2024-06) Casaponsa Gali, Aina; García Guerrero, Acebo; Martínez, Alejandro; Ojeda del Pozo, Natalia; Thierry, Guillaume; Athanasopoulos, Panos
Taza in Spanish refers to cups and mugs in English, whereas glass refers to different glass types in Spanish: copa and vaso. It is still unclear whether such categorical distinctions induce early perceptual differences in speakers of different languages. In this study, for the first time, we report symmetrical effects of terminology on preattentive indices of categorical perception across languages. Native speakers of English or Spanish saw arrays of cups, mugs, copas, and vasos flashed in streams. Visual mismatch negativity, an implicit electrophysiological correlate of perceptual change in the peripheral visual field, was modulated for categorical contrasts marked in the participants’ native language but not for objects designated by the same label. Conversely, P3a, an index of attentional orienting, was modulated only for missing contrasts in the participants’ native language. Thus, whereas native labels influenced participants’ preattentive perceptual encoding of objects, nonverbally encoded dissociations reoriented their attention at a later processing stage.
Mediación lectora docente del álbum ilustrado: estudio de caso
(Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2024) González Vázquez, Sofía; Gutiérrez Sebastián, Raquel
Los docentes y la sociedad, en general, manifiestan su preocupación por las dificultades de lectura del alumnado de Primaria. El presente estudio de caso tiene como objetivo explorar y describir las experiencias de mediación docente y las estrategias que subyacen a las prácticas de lectura del álbum ilustrado de un docente experto para desarrollar la competencia lectora. Para ello, se ha recurrido a un estudio cualitativo descriptivo, enmarcado en el paradigma interpretativo. Los instrumentos utilizados han sido la entrevista semiestructurada y el análisis de artículos de prácticas y reflexiones didácticas del docente experto. El estudio evidencia la convivencia, dentro del aula, de prácticas de lectura individual y colectiva que interrelacionan lectura y escritura en contextos significativos, así como tensiones para compaginar el aprendizaje curricular y la práctica social de la lectura. Se han identificado y descrito, por otra parte, estrategias de mediación lectora docente. Los resultados de la investigación aportan información valiosa sobre el proceso de mediación de lectura que puede resultar significativa para la formación del profesorado de Educación Primaria y el desarrollo profesional docente.
Electricity forecast adapted to ocean conditions: the Mutriku case study
(Elsevier Ltd, 2024-08) Casas, Isabel; Lekube, Jon
It is essential for any wave power plant at the commercialising stage to accurately model and forecast its production to ensure a good functioning and an efficient trading in the daily wholesale electricity market. Altogether, a reliable forecast is a required step for the establishment of wave energy as a sustainable and viable source of electricity. We propose models whose coefficients adapt to the variation of ocean conditions and apply them to model/estimate and forecast the electricity production of two oscillating wave converters from the Mutriku Wave Power Plant during 2018. After a statistical analysis comparing different approaches, we recommend to model the production using a regression with coefficients depending on the wave height and to do short-term forecast using an autoregressive function with coefficients also depending on the wave height.
Exercise addiction and intimate partner violence: the role of impulsivity, self-esteem, and emotional dependence
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024-05) Olave, Leticia; Iruarrizaga, Itziar; Herrero Lázaro, Marta; Macía Guerrero, Patricia; Momeñe López, Janire; Macía Guerrero, Laura; Muñiz Casado, José Antonio; Estévez Gutiérrez, Ana
Given the scarcity of studies linking exercise addiction to intimate partner violence, the present study aims to analyze the relationship between these variables and examine the potential mediating roles of emotional dependence, impulsivity, and self-esteem. This is a non-experimental, cross-sectional correlational design study. The sample comprised 887 university students (86% women, mean age 20.82 years, SD = 3.63). Elevated levels of exercise addiction were associated with increased impulsivity, emotional dependence, and exerted violence, as well as decreased self-esteem and perceived violence. Mediation models were tested, explaining 7% of the variance in received violence, 13% of the variance in exerted violence, and 6% of the variance in perceived violence. Higher levels of exercise addiction were linked to increased received and exerted violence and decreased perceived violence, attributed to the positive impact of exercise addiction on emotional dependence. This study highlights the mediating roles of self-esteem and impulsivity in the relationship between exercise addiction and partner violence. Identifying risk or vulnerability factors such as emotional dependence, impulsivity, and self-esteem related to exercise addiction and interpersonal partner violence is especially relevant for designing and implementing preventive interventions in the general young population.