Gude, Juan JoséDi Teodoro, AntonioAgudelo, D’hamarHerrera Garzón, Marco AntonioRincón, LuisCamacho, Oscar2024-12-192024-12-192024-12Gude, J. J., Di Teodoro, A., Agudelo, D., Herrera, M., Rincón, L., & Camacho, O. (2024). Sliding mode control design using a generalized reduced-order fractional model for chemical processes. Results in Engineering, 24. article presents a comprehensive study that evaluates the potential advantages of adopting a unified, systematic, and organized general fractional model within the Sliding Mode Control (SMC) design framework. The exploration extends to the model's applicability in a variety of disciplines. Although prior research has utilized SMC and fractional-order systems independently, no previous work has established a mathematical framework that integrates a generic fractional-order SMC model. The study addresses this gap and highlights potential implications for control design and applications in a variety of fields, particularly for chemical processes.eng© 2024 The Author(s)Fractional-order modelGeneralization procedureSliding mode controlSliding mode control design using a generalized reduced-order fractional model for chemical processesjournal article2024-12-192590-1230