Aliperti, GiuseppeCruz, Ana María2024-11-072024-11-072020Aliperti, G., & Cruz, A. M. (2020). From epidemics to pandemic: tips from the past. Almatourism: Journal of Tourism Culture and Territorial Development, 11(22), 1-17. World Tourism Organization proposed to examine studies on previous infectious disease outbreaks (epidemics), in particular the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) epidemic of 2002-2004, to better managing the impact of the COVID-19 on the tourism industry. We followed this suggestion by analysing tourism-related literature concerning previous outbreaks. We consequently identified the differences and similarities between past epidemics and the COVID-19 pandemic, evaluated recovery strategies previously adopted by tourism destinations, and suggested a research agenda to facilitate the tourism destinations' recovery. To provide theoretically grounded research suggestions, which are urgently needed by the tourism industry, only contributions from high-quality peer-reviewed journals were considered in this literature review.eng© 2021 Giuseppe Aliperti, Ana Maria CruzCOVID-19Tourism destinationsPandemicEpidemicDestination managementTourism demandRisk perceptionHealth-risksSARSCrisisTravelOutbreakImpactsDiseaseStrategiesFrom epidemics to pandemic: tips from the pastjournal article2024-11-07