Calle, Alberto de laGrus, María ElenaÁlvarez de los Mozos, Esther2024-11-082024-11-082017-04Calle, A. d. l., Grus, M. E., & Álvarez de los Mozos, E. (2017). Value creation through demand and supply chains: evidences from Spanish companies. Dirección y organización: Revista de dirección, organización y administración de empresas, 61, 4-11. global context in which companies operate nowadays is extremely complex. This fact pushes organizations to a continuous search of the best strategy that will enable them to stand out in the market. Supply Chain Management, in its dual concept of coordinated demand and supply chains, represents an excellent opportunity to enhance the ompetitive advantage of companies. In relation to the demand chain, it can help to improve the knowledge of the customers and their needs, to develop their capacities for innovation and response, as well as to differentiate their products. With respect to the supply chain, it will focus the attention on increasing the flexibility in production capacity and delivery of products and services with less use of resources. For this reason, this study proposes to analyze the relationship between value creation and business results in some Spanish companies through supply chain processes. In order to do so, it describes a transactional non-experimental research employing the Technological Innovation Panel Database (PITEC).engCompetitive advantageSupply ChainValueEffectivenessEfficiencyValue creation through demand and supply chains: evidences from Spanish companiesCreación de valor a través de la demanda y cadenas de suministro: evidencias de empresas españolasjournal article2024-11-08