Murillo Marrodán, AlbertoGarcía Gil, EduardoBarco, JonCortés Martínez, Fernando2024-11-122024-11-122020-08Murillo-Marrodán, A., García, E., Barco, J., & Cortés, F. (2020). Analysis of wall thickness eccentricity in the rotary tube piercing process using a strain correlated FE model. Metals, 10(8), 1-18. wall thickness eccentricity is one of the most important weaknesses that appears in seamless tubes production, since this imperfection is subsequently transferred downstream through the manufacturing stages until the final product. For this reason, in this article a finite element model of the rotary tube piercing (RTP) process is developed aimed at analysing the wall thickness eccentricity imperfection. Experimental data extracted from the industrial process is used for the validation of the model, including operational process variables like power consumption and process velocity, and deformation variables as elongation and longitudinal torsion, originated by axial and shear strain respectively. The cause of longitudinal torsion is also analysed. The two most important conclusions derived from this study are: (I) the longitudinal torsion of the tube is a crucial parameter for the correct model validation, and (II) the combined effect between the uneven temperature distribution of the billet and the plug bending deformation is identified as the major cause of the wall thickness eccentricity flaw.eng© 2020 by the authorsFE analysisMetal formingRotary tube piercingTube eccentricityTube torsionAnalysis of wall thickness eccentricity in the rotary tube piercing process using a strain correlated FE modeljournal article2024-11-12