Villardón Gallego, LourdesGarcía Cid, AlbaEstévez Gutiérrez, AnaGarcía Carrión, Rocío2024-11-062024-11-062023-01-03Villardón-Gallego, L., García-Cid, A., Estévez, A., & García-Carrión, R. (2023). Early Educational Interventions to Prevent Gender-Based Violence: A Systematic Review [Review of Early Educational Interventions to Prevent Gender-Based Violence: A Systematic Review]. Healthcare (Switzerland), 11(1). MDPI. Gender-based violence is a worldwide public health problem that is increasingly occurring at younger ages. This investigation aims to analyze effective interventions to prevent and to face gender-based violence beginning in early childhood in order to ensure quality education for all children through violence-free schools. Methods: This research has conducted a systematic review of interventions that have demonstrated a positive impact on the prevention and reduction of gender-based violence from early ages up to 12 years, inclusive, in schools. An extensive search in scientific databases (WoS, SCOPUS, ERIC, PsycINFO) was conducted from 2007 to 2022. Results: Thirteen articles were selected and analyzed in-depth to identify the success factors of these interventions, which (a) are integrated into the school curriculum; (b) promote active participation of students and community; (c) are based on scientific evidence; and (d) make relevant adaptations to a specific group and context. Conclusions: The programs analyzed have had a positive impact on raising awareness of gender violence, overcoming stereotypes, improving relationships in the classroom and reducing violent behavior, as well as empowering the most vulnerable people.eng© 2023 by the authorsChildrenEducationGender-based violencePublic healthSchool interventionScientific evidenceEarly educational interventions to prevent gender-based violence: a systematic reviewreview article2024-11-06