Schwalb, María MatildeGarcía Arrizabalaga, IñakiGibaja Martíns, Juan José2024-11-132024-11-132023Schwalb, M., García-Arrizabalaga, I., & Gibaja-Martíns, J.-J. (2023). Profile of the Political Consumer: An International Comparative Study. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 35(3), 296-313. study analyzes secondary data for a sample of 4,606 consumers from 10 countries to measure their political consumerism (having boycotted or buycotted a product or brand in the last year). It also determines the profile of the international political consumer. The non-parametric CART (Classification and Regression Trees) technique is used for the analysis. The results identify the consumer’s country of residence as the most influential variable on political consumerism, followed by consumers’ environmental concerns and level of education. Given the complexity of the country construct, future studies should analyze specific aspects related to the social context of each country.eng© 2022 Taylor & Francis Group, llCBoycottBuycottConsumerism life cycleEnvironmental awarenessPolitical consumerismProfile of the political consumer: an international comparative studyjournal article2024-11-131528-7068