Influencia del éxito deportivo en la cobertura del deporte femenino español: los Juegos Olímpicos de Londres 2012 y Río 2016
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Universidad San Pablo-CEU
El éxito deportivo influye positivamente en el ánimo colectivo de un país y en el reforzamiento de su identidad nacional. Esta es una de las razones por las que existe correspondencia entre las expectativas de triunfo depositadas en determinados/as deportistas y el seguimiento social e informativo que se hace de ellos/as. Las atletas españolas en Londres 2012 y Río 2016 consiguieron más medallas que los representantes masculinos. Este estudio analiza si estos logros favorecieron su mayor cobertura mediática, si se narraron en clave de orgullo nacional, si se presentaron a las atletas como referentes deportivos y si los valores que se destacaron de ellas se corresponden con los asociados a la práctica deportiva ejemplar. Para ello se realiza un análisis de contenido y una lectura crítica de los suplementos especiales sobre esos Juegos Olímpicos publicados por el diario deportivo español Marca. Los resultados revelan que, en el tratamiento mediático del deporte femenino, prima el valor informativo de la nacionalidad española de la atleta por encima del de sus logros deportivos. Y que, aunque su actuación se asocie a valores como el esfuerzo o la mentalidad ganadora, los modelos inspiradores en el deporte siguen estando encarnados por ellos.
Sporting success has a positive impact on the collective mood of a country and helps to strengthen its national identity. This is one reason why there is a correlation between the expectations for certain athletes to win and the social and media follow-up of them. The Spanish female athletes in London 2012 and Rio 2016 won more medals than the male athletes. This study analyses whether these achievements favoured greater media coverage, if they were narrated in terms of national pride, if female athletes were represented as sports references and whether the values that were highlighted correspond to those associated with exemplary sports practice. To examine such results, content analysis and critical reading of these Olympic Games’ special supplements published by the newspaper Marca is carried out. The results reveal that the news value of the athlete’s Spanish nationality prevails over her sporting achievements in the media coverage of women’s sport. Although women’s performance is associated with effort or a winning mentality, the inspiring role models in sport continue to be male athletes.
Sporting success has a positive impact on the collective mood of a country and helps to strengthen its national identity. This is one reason why there is a correlation between the expectations for certain athletes to win and the social and media follow-up of them. The Spanish female athletes in London 2012 and Rio 2016 won more medals than the male athletes. This study analyses whether these achievements favoured greater media coverage, if they were narrated in terms of national pride, if female athletes were represented as sports references and whether the values that were highlighted correspond to those associated with exemplary sports practice. To examine such results, content analysis and critical reading of these Olympic Games’ special supplements published by the newspaper Marca is carried out. The results reveal that the news value of the athlete’s Spanish nationality prevails over her sporting achievements in the media coverage of women’s sport. Although women’s performance is associated with effort or a winning mentality, the inspiring role models in sport continue to be male athletes.
Palabras clave
Juegos Olímpicos
Deporte femenino
Teoría crítica feminista
Éxito deportivo
Olympic Games
Women’s sport
Critical feminist theory
Sporting success
Deporte femenino
Teoría crítica feminista
Éxito deportivo
Olympic Games
Women’s sport
Critical feminist theory
Sporting success
Sanz Garrido, B. (2020). Influencia del éxito deportivo en la cobertura del deporte femenino español: los Juegos Olímpicos de Londres 2012 y Río 2016. Doxa Comunicación: revista interdisciplinar de estudios de comunicación y ciencias sociales, 31, 131-151.